The best novels of all time

in the ancient languages of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome

Selected by piero scaruffi
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  1. "Gilgamesh" (Akkadian, 15## BC) ++
  2. "Clementine Recognitions" (Greece, 3## AD) +
  3. Gaius Petronius (Latin, 27 AD): "Satyricon Liber" (6# AD) +
  4. "Sinuhe" (Egypt, 18## BC) +
  5. Heliodorus of Emesa (Greece, 2##): "Aethiopica/ Theagenes and Charicleia" (2##) +
  6. Apuleius (Latin, 125 AD): "The Metamorphoses/ The Golden Ass" (16# AD) +
  7. Longus (Greece, 1## AD): "Daphnis and Chloe" (1## AD) +
  8. "Petese" (Egypt, 9## BC) +
  9. "Joseph and Aseneth" (Greece, 3## AD) +
  10. Phaedrus (Latin, 1# BC): "Fables" (4# AD) +


Arabic literature
Hebrew/Yiddish literature