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The Cognitive Development of Pretty Girls

  • Being beautiful has obvious effects on the social life of a woman, starting from at least her teenage years.
  • One can speculate on what these effects mean in terms of cognitive development at the very age when a lot of a person's cognitive development takes place.
  • If you are beautiful, there is a symptom that should raise an alarm flag: you have a lot more male friends than female friends. This could be due to many causes, perhaps all of them equally plausible; but one of the possible, plausible causes is that both women and men find you uninteresting but men are still willing to invest their time in you for a reason that does not interest (most) women: sex.
  • Therefore the attention that men unleash on beautiful women can, first of all, create a distortion in the way that woman perceives herself.
  • Secondly, the kind of attention that a beautiful woman receives must have an impact on her cognitive development.
  • Needless to say, this has nothing to do with the "intelligent quotient" of the beautiful woman. The IQ is independent of the beauty. In places where the beauty is irrelevant (e.g. in a classroom), a beautiful woman can prove to be extremely intelligent.
  • However, the moment she leaves that place (e.g. the moment she leaves the classroom), the behavior towards her of 50% of the population is different from the behavior of the same 50% of the population towards other girls. Thus one can assume that the impact on her cognitive development is not negligible, regardless of her I.Q.
  • The more beautiful you are the less motivated you are to improve your intelligence, knowledge, skills, and personality in general by 50% of the population. If you are beautiful, you get plenty of attention anyway, and for most people "attention" is a main driver of personality development. You are in demand all the time, regardless.
  • Worse: it is very likely that men pretend to be impressed by whatever she says and does, a fact that may further diminish her motivation to self-improvement, and may further increase the reason that women don't find her interesting.
  • Her spoiled attitude keeps decreasing the chances that a woman would want to spend time with her, whereas the number of men interested in spending time with her remains the same (for as long as her sex appeal remains the same). One is mainly a function of her brain, the other one is mainly a function of her body.
  • This, again, has nothing to do with the innate IQ: one can be equipped with Einstein's brain but the point is how does that brain develop when, socially, she gets too much attention as opposed to medium attention or too little attention, and mostly from men instead of women.
  • The risk is that a big component of her cognitive development stops at 16. She doesn't need to inform herself on current events, read books, watch intellectual movies, go to lectures, etc because she is invited by so many males to so many events. Cute girls don't need to come up with topics of conversation. It is their male suitors who desperately try to find a topic of conversation that interests them. She doesn't need to have a personality to attract attention, and the risk is that she won't form one. She is not genetically dumb, but the risk is that she will get progressively "dumb".
  • It is not only about cultural development. Who is going to help my average-looking friend M. if she falls behind on a hike, gets lost, runs out of food/water? Probably nobody. Who is going to help my attractive friend S. if she falls behind on a hike, gets lost, runs out of food/water? The question doesn't even apply: there will always be at least one guy sticking to her, so she will never be left alone. And guys (even random strangers she meets on the trail) will compete to offer her food and water, a golden chance to get a date. So: which of the two girls is more likely to learn to take care of herself in the wilderness and which one will reach her late 30s without having learned even the most basic notions?
  • Indirectly, it is men, especially the most aggressive ones, who end up controlling her lifestyle, by inviting her to do so many things and therefore reducing the number of things that she autonomously decides to do.
  • It must make a difference how people view you. If they view you like a wise person, it has an impact on you. If they see you like a generous person, it has an impact on you. And this is especially true in the age of "maturing". If most of the people around you (especially those in your age group) view you as, essentially, a vagina with a pretty face, it must make a difference.
  • Last but not least, i believe that each of us "is" to a large extent the company we keep. You "are" the people with whom you surround yourself. If you are a very attractive woman, you are mostly surrounded by males who are having an erection. Those are the people who shape your cognitive life.
  • The attitude of men towards a beautiful woman may create in her a false sense of security, an unjustified high self-esteem, and self-confidence based on the wrong assumptions. This may help or hurt, depending on the circumstances.
  • It is not unusual that a formerly very popular girl has some kind of awakening in her late 30s or 40s (especially if she is still single) and suddenly feels the urge to read books, to watch intellectual movies, to attend lectures, etc: now that her beauty is fading, she implicitly realizes that she's not much of a person and she at last has all the spare time in the world.
  • (Yes, this article is meant to be a little humorous)