Borneo and Sumatra

December 1995

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The highlights of this trip were the folklore and natural wonders of Borneo and Sumatra.
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  1. Singapore
  2. Sabah: ++Mt Kinabalu, Kota Kinabalu
  3. Sarawak: +Kuching, Bintulu, +Niah Caves, Kota Kinabalu
  4. Kalimantan: Pontianak, Samarinda, +++Banjarmasin (floating market), Balikpapan
  5. Sumatra: Palembang, Pagaralam, ++megaliths (100 AD), +Bukittinggi (Rafflesia reserve, Aug-Dec)
  6. Sumatra: Nias Island, ++Bawamataluo, Padang, Lake Toba, Samosir Island, Brastagi, ++Lingga karo batak village, Medan,
  7. Gunung Mulu park (++Sarawak chamber)


Trip difficulty: difficult
Length: 20 days
Season: Year-round

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