Dan Fogelberg
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Dan Fogelberg (nato in Illinois ma residente a Los Angeles) e` un colto e verboso cantore di ballate nello stile di CSN&Y, un "urban country singer-songwriter", una contraddizione in termini, che ha toccato il culmine della propria arte nelle ballate Better Change (1975), Part of the Plan (1975), Power of Gold (1978), e nel doppio concept Innocent Age (1981) sui drammi dell'adolescenza, e si e` poi perso in un hard-rock di maniera (Longer, 1980, Language Of Love, 1984). Dan Fogelberg lived with the contradiction of being an urban (Los Angeles-based) country songwriter, penning soft ballads such as Power of Gold (1978) and a concept album like Innocent Age (1981) about the childhood traumas.
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