Vulgar Boatmen

(Copyright © 1999-2023 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
You And Your Sister , 7/10
Please Panic , 6.5/10
Opposite Sex , 6/10

The Vulgar Boatmen were formed in Florida in 1982 by Robert Ray (a professor at the University of Florida) and three of his students, including Walter Salas-Humara. After they had released two cassettes, Ray met Indiana-resident (and former Gizmos) Dale "Kirkland" Lawrence and the band became a more serious affair. Ispired by the folk-rock revival of nearby Georgia, the duo of Ray and Lawrence began writing soulful tunes and singing of domestic joys, a style that descended straight from Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers.

You And Your Sister (Record Collect, 1989) contains such melodic gems as Margaret Says and Change The World All Around, rather straightforward melodies propelled by an unusually creative rhythm section. But more influential on future generations will be the simple stories of everyday life (Mary Jane and the six-minute Drive Somewhere) crooned with earnest vocals, that predate the boom of alt-country. The soul of the band was torn between the naif pop and the country-rock

Salas-Humara had already moved to New York and formed the Silos. Please Panic (Caroline, 1992) has more memorable refrains (I'm Not Stuck On You, Allison Says), but the songwriters truly shine in the plaintive ballads (Don't Mention It, You're The One, You Don't Love Me Yet, We Can Figure This Out).

With Ray and Lawrence distracted by other jobs, the band languished for a few years. Opposite Sex (East West, 1995) mark a decent return (When We Walk, Shake, In A Minute).

(Translation by/Tradotto da Stefano Iardella)

I Vulgar Boatmen furono formati in Florida nel 1982 da Robert Ray (professore all'Università della Florida) e tre dei suoi studenti, tra cui Walter Salas-Humara. Dopo aver pubblicato due cassette, Ray incontrò Dale "Kirkland" Lawrence, residente in Indiana (ed ex Gizmos), e la band divenne una cosa più seria. Ispirandosi al revival folk-rock della vicina Georgia, il duo formato da Ray e Lawrence iniziò a scrivere brani pieni di sentimento e a cantare di gioie domestiche, uno stile che discendeva direttamente da Buddy Holly e dagli Everly Brothers.

You And Your Sister (Record Collect, 1989) contiene gemme melodiche come Margaret Says e Change The World All Around, melodie piuttosto dirette spinte da una sezione ritmica insolitamente creativa. Ma più influenti sulle generazioni future saranno le semplici storie della vita quotidiana (Mary Jane e i sei minuti di Drive Somewhere) canticchiate con voci sincere, che precedono il boom dell'alternative-country. L'anima della band era divisa tra il pop naif e il country-rock.

Salas-Humara si era già trasferito a New York e aveva formato i Silos. Please Panic (Caroline, 1992) ha ritornelli più memorabili (I'm Not Stuck On You, Allison Says), ma i cantautori brillano maggiormente nelle ballate lamentose (Don't Mention It, You're The One, You Don't Love Me Yet, We Can Figure This Out).

Con Ray e Lawrence distratti da altri lavori, la band languì per alcuni anni. Opposite Sex (East West, 1995) segna un discreto ritorno (When We Walk, Shake, In A Minute).

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