Richard Garet

(Copyright © 2006 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

, /10

New York-based multimedia artist Richard Garet

The dvd Melting Ground (Contour Editions) collects Asher Thal-Nir's soundtrack to Richard Garet's film. Of Distance (Unframed, 2009) collects Brendan Murray's soundtrack to Richard Garet's artworks.

His painstakingly assembled streams of glitchy noise were first documented on Intrinsic Motion (Non Visual Objects, 2006) and especially L'Avenir (Winds Measure, 2008). Four extended works for drones and noise were collected on the double-disc Four Malleable (And/OAR, 2009). Decentering (Sourdine, 2011) is another 51-minute free-form composition. Areal (23five, 2012) is one of his most dynamic drone symphonies.

Silver (Obs, 2012) contains Gray (22:16) and Mobility (31:00).

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