Darren Tate

(Copyright © 2006 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

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Darren Tate was a member of the British collective Ora. But he was more influential with his work as Monos, that focused on the droning manipulation of field recordings, a project that often involved Colin Potter (i.e., de facto, a continuation of Ora without Andrew Chalk). Despite the abrasive sound of early pieces such as the 32-minute Promotion (2000), Monos was more often concerned with the thick, rich drones of pieces such as 360 Degrees (2001) and Sunny Day In Saginomiya (2001), that explicitly referenced natural sounds. Nightfall Sunshine (2002), instead, delved into the "concrete" sound of vintage analogue electronics. Everyday Soundtracks (2001 - Fungal Records, 2013) is a minor work.

Places (2002) and Window (2003) returned to the classic sound of Ora. However, the 47-minute Collage (2003), and Landscapes (2004), a collaboration with Paul Bradley, were more interesting in that Potter's studio work all but totally eclipsed the original sources, a process that peaked with the four extended pieces of the double-disc Generators (2005).

Tate also released dozens of CD-ROMS under his own name, starting with Nonsense For The Cat (2003) and peaking perhaps with the 42-minute Rain During Summer, off Nothing By Chance (2003), A Strange Artifact (2004) and Without Season (2005), a collaboration with Andrew Liles.

Organ Of Sight (Fungal, 2007) was a work for analogue synthesizers.

Old Pointed Hat (Fungal, 2008) moved further away from drone music, sculpting a dynamic noisescape of synthesizer, guitar and found sounds.

Reflections On A Ceiling (Fungal, 2008) was an abstract atmospheric work, again largely immune from drones for the sake of drones.

When An Insect Visits Your Window (Fungal, 2009) leaned even more towards white noise.

Monos (Darren Tate and Colin Potter) returned with the two lengthy pieces of Above The Sky (ICR, 2010) that document live performances of 2006.

Snippets (Fungal, 2010) was composed by assembling snippets of guitar, electronics, and field recordings, basically a follow-up of his seminal Old Pointed Hat.

Late Afternoon (Fungal, 2010), ostensibly dedicated to Finnish bard Keijo, was recorded outdoors letting the sounds of the environment participate in the composition of the music.

Nature In The City (Fungal, 2010) is a brainy synthesizer symphony in the vein of Monos.

The Night (Fungal, 2010) turned instead to minimal ambient music.

No Longer Here (ICR, 2012) was de facto a collaboration with Colin Potter, who extensively remixed (not just "produced") the original music.

Ordinary sounds that can be heard from an ordinary room in an ordinary house are the protagonists of the stream of consciousness implied in Close Timid Night (Fungal, 2012). They duet with Tate's loony harpsichord and quiet humming.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Andrea Marengo)

Darren Tate fu un membro del collettivo Inglese Ora, anche se il suo progetto più influente fu quello dei Monos, che si concentrarono sulla manipolazione di droni nei field recording, un'idea che coinvolse spesso anche Colin Potter (quella dei Monos era infatti una continuazione degli Ora senza Andrew Chalk). Malgrado le sonorità abrasive delle prime tracce quali i trentadue minuti di Promotion (2000), i Monos si impegnarono maggiormente nel comporre i fitti e intensi droni di tracce quali 360 Degrees (2001) e Sunny Day In Saginomiya (2001), che fanno esplicitamente riferimento a suoni naturali. Nightfall Sunshine (2002), indagava invece nei suoni concreti delle apparecchiature elettroniche vecchia maniera.

Places (2002) e Widow (2003), ritornavano alle sonorità classiche degli Ora. Tuttavia, i quarantasette minuti di Collage (2003) e Landscapes (2004), una collaborazione con Paul Bradley, erano decisamente più interessanti grazie al modo in cui Potter elaborava in studio tutte le fonti originarie eclissandole, un procedimento che svettava nelle quattro tracce estese del doppio Generators (2005).

Tate pubblicò anche dozzine di CD-ROM a proprio nome, partendo da Nonsense For The Cat (2003), svettando forse con i quarantadue minuti di Rain During Summer in Nothing By Chance (2003), e proseguendo con A Strange Artifact (2004) e Without Season (2005), una collaborazione con Andrew Liles.

Organ Of Sight (Fungal, 2007) era un'opera per sintetizzatore analogico.

Old Pointed Hat (Fungal, 2008), scolpiva un dinamico paesaggio sonoro di rumore grazie a sintetizzatore, chitarra e suoni trovati, distanziandosi ulteriormente dalla musica drone.

Reflections On A Ceiling (Fungal, 2008) era un'opera astratta e atmosferica, nuovamente (quasi) immune ai droni che sviluppano altri droni.

When An Insect Visits Your Window (Fungal, 2009) faceva ancora più leva sul rumore bianco.

I Monos (Darren Tate e Colin Potter) ritornarono con le due lunghe tracce di Above The Sky (ICR, 2010), che documenta esibizioni dal vivo del 2006.

Snippets (Fungal, 2010), fondamentalmente un seguito del suo seminale Old Pointed Hat, venne composto assemblando frammenti di chitarra, elettronica, e field recording.

Late Afternoon (Fungal, 2010), dedicato ostentamente al bardo finlandese Keijo, venne registrato all'aperto, permettendo ai suoni dell'ambiente di partecipare alla composizione della musica.

Nature In The City (Fungal, 2010) è una cerebrale sinfonia per sintetizzatore che segue le orme dei Monos.

Su The Night (Fungal, 2010) il compositore si convertiva improvvisamente all'ambient minimale.

No Longer Here (ICR, 2012), era a tutti gli effetti una collaborazione con Colin Potter, che remissava la musica originale (senza limitarsi a "produrla") estendendola.

I suoni ordinari che possono essere uditi in una stanza ordinaria di una casa ordinaria sono i protagonisti del flusso di coscienza racchiuso in Close Timid Night (Fungal, 2012) dove duettano il clavicembalo impazzito di Tate e un quieto mormorio.

The double-disc Age & Transformation (Fungal, 2006 - Infraction, 2012) was actually a solo (and very dissonant) Tate album later remixed by Colin Potter. Small Worlds (2007 - Fungal, 2013) was another minor experiment. Two Improvisations (Fungal, 2013) is a bedroom album.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da xxx)

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