The 1,000 Best Films of all Time

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The 1930s:

8.0 Josef von Sternberg: Der Blaue Engel/ The Blue Angel (1930)
8.0 Howard Hawks: Bringing Up Baby (1938)
8.0 Charlie Chaplin: Modern Times (1936)
7.8 Jean Renoir: La Grande Illusion (1937)
7.8 Fritz Lang: M (1931)
7.7 Leo McCarey (Marx Brothers): Duck Soup (1933)
7.7 Yasujiro Ozu: Ukigusa Monogatari/ A Story of Floating Weeds (1934)
7.6 Charlie Chaplin: City Lights (1931)
7.6 Josef von Sternberg: Morocco (1930)
7.5 Sam Wood (Marx Brothers): A Night at the Opera (1935)
7.5 Jean Renoir: La Regle du Jeu/ The Rules of the Game (1939)
7.5 Kenji Mizoguchi: Zangiku Monogatari/ Story of the Last Chrysanthemum (1939)
7.5 Ernst Lubitsch: Trouble in Paradise (1932)
7.5 Howard Hawks: Scarface (1932)
7.5 Frank Capra: It Happened One Night (1934)
7.4 Carl Theodor Dreyer: Vampyr (1931)
7.4 George Cukor: Sylvia Scarlett (1935)
7.4 Marcel Carne`: Le Jour Se Leve/ Daybreak (1939)
7.4 Frank Capra: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
7.3 Marcel Carne`: Quai des Brumes/ Harbor in the Fog (1938)
7.3 Tod Browning: Freaks (1932)
7.3 Sam Wood (Marx Brothers): A Day At The Races (1936)
7.3 Mervyn LeRoy: Little Caesar (1931)
7.3 Mervyn LeRoy: I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang (1932)
7.3 Lewis Milestone: Front Page (1931)
7.3 Lewis Milestone: All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
7.3 Julien Duvivier: Pepe` le Moko (1937)
7.3 Yasujiro Ozu: Umarate Wa Mita Keredo/ I Was Born But (1932)
7.3 Yasujiro Ozu: Hitori Musuko/ The Only Son (1936)
7.3 Kenji Mizoguchi: Gion No Shimai/ Sisters of Gion (1936)
7.3 Ernst Lubitsch: Ninotchka (1939)
7.3 Fritz Lang: Fury (1936)
7.3 Fritz Lang: Das Testament des Dr Mabuse (1933)
7.3 Frank Capra: Mr. Deeds Goes To Town (1936)
7.3 Frank Capra: Lady for a Day (1933)
7.2 Raoul Walsh: Roaring Twenties (1939)
7.2 Norman McLeod (Marx Brothers): Horse Feathers (1932)
7.2 Josef von Sternberg: Shanghai Express (1932)
7.2 Mario Camerini: Il Signor Max (1937)
7.2 Lewis Milestone: Hallelujah I'm a Bum (1933)
7.2 James Whale: Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
7.2 Ernest Schoedsack: King Kong (1933)
7.2 George Stevens: Gunga Din (1939)
7.2 Jean Vigo: Zero For Conduct (1933)
7.2 Jean Renoir: Toni (1935)
7.2 Jean Renoir: La Chienne (1931)
7.2 Kenji Mizoguchi: Naniwa Ereji/ Osaka Elegy (1936)
7.2 Fritz Lang: You Only Live Once (1937)
7.2 Alfred Hitchcock: The Lady Vanishes (1938)
7.2 Howard Hawks: Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
7.2 John Ford: Stagecoach (1939)
7.2 Michael Curtiz: Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)
7.2 Rene` Clair: Sous les Toits de Paris/ Under the Roofs of Paris (1930)
7.2 Luis Bunuel: L'Age d'Or (1930)
7.1 Woodbridge Van Dyke: The Thin Man (1934)
7.1 Mervyn LeRoy: Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
7.1 Leo McCarey: The Awful Truth (1937)
7.1 James Horne (Laurel & Hardy): The Bohemian Girl (1936)
7.1 Yasujiro Ozu: Dekigokoro/ Passing Fancy (1933)
7.0 Harry Lachman (Laurel & Hardy): Our Relations (1936)

7.0 Sadao Yamanaka: Ninjo Kami Fusen/ Humanity and Paper Balloons (1936)
7.0 Josef von Sternberg: Scarlet Empress (1934)
7.0 Woodbridge Van Dyke: Tarzan the Ape Man (1932)
7.0 William Wellman: The Public Enemy (1931)
7.0 William Wellman: Nothing Sacred (1937)
7.0 William Seiter (Laurel & Hardy): Sons of the Desert (1933)
7.0 Edgar Ulmer: Black Cat (1934)
7.0 Victor Heerman (Marx Brothers): Animal Crackers (1930)
7.0 Victor Fleming: The Wizard of Oz (1939)
7.0 Victor Fleming: Gone With The Wind (1939)
7.0 Tod Browning: Dracula (1931)
7.0 Slatan Dudow: Kuhle Wampe (1932)
7.0 Robert Flaherty: The Man Of Aran (1934)
7.0 Reinhold Schuenzel: Viktor und Viktoria (1933)
7.0 Norman McLeod (Marx Brothers): Monkey Business (1931)
7.0 Mervyn LeRoy: They Won't Forget (1937)
7.0 Mervyn LeRoy: Five Star Final (1931)
7.0 Mark Sandrich: Top Hat (1935)
7.0 Mario Camerini: Gli Uomini che Mascalzoni (1932)
7.0 Mario Camerini: Daro` un Milione (1935)
7.0 Marcel Pagnol: Cesar (1936)
7.0 Marc Allegret (Marcel Pagnol): Fanny (1932)
7.0 Lloyd Bacon: 42nd Street (1933)
7.0 Leo McCarey: Ruggles of Red Gap (1935)
7.0 Karl Freund: The Mummy (1932)
7.0 Julien Duvivier: Un Carnet de Bal (1937)
7.0 Julien Duvivier: La Belle Equipe/ They were Five (1936)
7.0 John Stahl: Back Street (1932)
7.0 John Blystone (Laurel & Hardy): Block-heads (1938)
7.0 Jean Vigo: Atalante (1934)
7.0 James Whale: The Invisible Man (1933)
7.0 James Whale: Frankenstein (1931)
7.0 James Horne (Laurel & Hardy): Way Out West (1937)
7.0 Jacques Feyder: Kermesse Eroique (1935)
7.0 Henry Hathaway: Peter Ibbetson (1935)
7.0 Gregory LaCava: My Man Godfrey (1936)
7.0 George Marshall: Destry Rides Again (1939)
7.0 Frank Lloyd: Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
7.0 Frank Borzage: Man's Castle (1933)
7.0 Ernest Schoedsack: The Most Dangerous Game (1932)
7.0 David Hand (Walt Disney): Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
7.0 Busby Berkeley: Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
7.0 Alexander Korda: The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933)
7.0 Alexander Korda (Marcel Pagnol): Marius (1931)
7.0 William Wyler: Jezebel (1938)
7.0 Josef von Sternberg: The Devil is a Woman (1935)
7.0 Jean Renoir: Boudou Sauve` des Eaux/ Boudou Saved from the Waters (1932)
7.0 Alfred Hitchcock: The Thirty-Nine Steps/ Il Club dei Trentanove (1935)
7.0 Howard Hawks: Twentieth Century (1934)
7.0 George Cukor: The Women (1939)
7.0 George Cukor: Holiday (1938)
7.0 Rene` Clair: Le Million (1931)
7.0 Rene` Clair: A Nous La Liberte`/ Freedom for Us (1931)
7.0 Frank Capra: You Can't Take It With You (1938)
7.0 Frank Capra: Lost Horizon (1937)
7.0 Friedrich Murnau: City Girl (1930)
7.0 Mario Soffici: Prisioneros de la Tierra (1939)
7.0 Hiroshi Shimizu: Kodomo no Shiki/ The Four Seasons of Children (1939)

See these pages for the others
This list comes from the ratings for the films of each director. If your favorite film is missing, check its rating in the page of its director.

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