1900's | 1910's | 1920's | 1930's | 1940's | 1950's | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | 2010's |
8.0 Josef von Sternberg: Der Blaue Engel/ The Blue Angel (1930) 8.0 Howard Hawks: Bringing Up Baby (1938) 8.0 Charlie Chaplin: Modern Times (1936) 7.8 Jean Renoir: La Grande Illusion (1937) 7.8 Fritz Lang: M (1931) 7.7 Leo McCarey (Marx Brothers): Duck Soup (1933) 7.7 Yasujiro Ozu: Ukigusa Monogatari/ A Story of Floating Weeds (1934) 7.6 Charlie Chaplin: City Lights (1931) 7.6 Josef von Sternberg: Morocco (1930) 7.5 Sam Wood (Marx Brothers): A Night at the Opera (1935) 7.5 Jean Renoir: La Regle du Jeu/ The Rules of the Game (1939) 7.5 Kenji Mizoguchi: Zangiku Monogatari/ Story of the Last Chrysanthemum (1939) 7.5 Ernst Lubitsch: Trouble in Paradise (1932) 7.5 Howard Hawks: Scarface (1932) 7.5 Frank Capra: It Happened One Night (1934) 7.4 Carl Theodor Dreyer: Vampyr (1931) 7.4 George Cukor: Sylvia Scarlett (1935) 7.4 Marcel Carne`: Le Jour Se Leve/ Daybreak (1939) 7.4 Frank Capra: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 7.3 Marcel Carne`: Quai des Brumes/ Harbor in the Fog (1938) 7.3 Tod Browning: Freaks (1932) 7.3 Sam Wood (Marx Brothers): A Day At The Races (1936) 7.3 Mervyn LeRoy: Little Caesar (1931) 7.3 Mervyn LeRoy: I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang (1932) 7.3 Lewis Milestone: Front Page (1931) 7.3 Lewis Milestone: All Quiet On The Western Front (1930) 7.3 Julien Duvivier: Pepe` le Moko (1937) 7.3 Yasujiro Ozu: Umarate Wa Mita Keredo/ I Was Born But (1932) 7.3 Yasujiro Ozu: Hitori Musuko/ The Only Son (1936) 7.3 Kenji Mizoguchi: Gion No Shimai/ Sisters of Gion (1936) 7.3 Ernst Lubitsch: Ninotchka (1939) 7.3 Fritz Lang: Fury (1936) 7.3 Fritz Lang: Das Testament des Dr Mabuse (1933) 7.3 Frank Capra: Mr. Deeds Goes To Town (1936) 7.3 Frank Capra: Lady for a Day (1933) 7.2 Raoul Walsh: Roaring Twenties (1939) 7.2 Norman McLeod (Marx Brothers): Horse Feathers (1932) 7.2 Josef von Sternberg: Shanghai Express (1932) 7.2 Mario Camerini: Il Signor Max (1937) 7.2 Lewis Milestone: Hallelujah I'm a Bum (1933) 7.2 James Whale: Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 7.2 Ernest Schoedsack: King Kong (1933) 7.2 George Stevens: Gunga Din (1939) 7.2 Jean Vigo: Zero For Conduct (1933) 7.2 Jean Renoir: Toni (1935) 7.2 Jean Renoir: La Chienne (1931) 7.2 Kenji Mizoguchi: Naniwa Ereji/ Osaka Elegy (1936) 7.2 Fritz Lang: You Only Live Once (1937) 7.2 Alfred Hitchcock: The Lady Vanishes (1938) 7.2 Howard Hawks: Only Angels Have Wings (1939) 7.2 John Ford: Stagecoach (1939) 7.2 Michael Curtiz: Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) 7.2 Rene` Clair: Sous les Toits de Paris/ Under the Roofs of Paris (1930) 7.2 Luis Bunuel: L'Age d'Or (1930) 7.1 Woodbridge Van Dyke: The Thin Man (1934) 7.1 Mervyn LeRoy: Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) 7.1 Leo McCarey: The Awful Truth (1937) 7.1 James Horne (Laurel & Hardy): The Bohemian Girl (1936) 7.1 Yasujiro Ozu: Dekigokoro/ Passing Fancy (1933) 7.0 Harry Lachman (Laurel & Hardy): Our Relations (1936) 7.0 Sadao Yamanaka: Ninjo Kami Fusen/ Humanity and Paper Balloons (1936) 7.0 Josef von Sternberg: Scarlet Empress (1934) 7.0 Woodbridge Van Dyke: Tarzan the Ape Man (1932) 7.0 William Wellman: The Public Enemy (1931) 7.0 William Wellman: Nothing Sacred (1937) 7.0 William Seiter (Laurel & Hardy): Sons of the Desert (1933) 7.0 Edgar Ulmer: Black Cat (1934) 7.0 Victor Heerman (Marx Brothers): Animal Crackers (1930) 7.0 Victor Fleming: The Wizard of Oz (1939) 7.0 Victor Fleming: Gone With The Wind (1939) 7.0 Tod Browning: Dracula (1931) 7.0 Slatan Dudow: Kuhle Wampe (1932) 7.0 Robert Flaherty: The Man Of Aran (1934) 7.0 Reinhold Schuenzel: Viktor und Viktoria (1933) 7.0 Norman McLeod (Marx Brothers): Monkey Business (1931) 7.0 Mervyn LeRoy: They Won't Forget (1937) 7.0 Mervyn LeRoy: Five Star Final (1931) 7.0 Mark Sandrich: Top Hat (1935) 7.0 Mario Camerini: Gli Uomini che Mascalzoni (1932) 7.0 Mario Camerini: Daro` un Milione (1935) 7.0 Marcel Pagnol: Cesar (1936) 7.0 Marc Allegret (Marcel Pagnol): Fanny (1932) 7.0 Lloyd Bacon: 42nd Street (1933) 7.0 Leo McCarey: Ruggles of Red Gap (1935) 7.0 Karl Freund: The Mummy (1932) 7.0 Julien Duvivier: Un Carnet de Bal (1937) 7.0 Julien Duvivier: La Belle Equipe/ They were Five (1936) 7.0 John Stahl: Back Street (1932) 7.0 John Blystone (Laurel & Hardy): Block-heads (1938) 7.0 Jean Vigo: Atalante (1934) 7.0 James Whale: The Invisible Man (1933) 7.0 James Whale: Frankenstein (1931) 7.0 James Horne (Laurel & Hardy): Way Out West (1937) 7.0 Jacques Feyder: Kermesse Eroique (1935) 7.0 Henry Hathaway: Peter Ibbetson (1935) 7.0 Gregory LaCava: My Man Godfrey (1936) 7.0 George Marshall: Destry Rides Again (1939) 7.0 Frank Lloyd: Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) 7.0 Frank Borzage: Man's Castle (1933) 7.0 Ernest Schoedsack: The Most Dangerous Game (1932) 7.0 David Hand (Walt Disney): Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 7.0 Busby Berkeley: Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) 7.0 Alexander Korda: The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933) 7.0 Alexander Korda (Marcel Pagnol): Marius (1931) 7.0 William Wyler: Jezebel (1938) 7.0 Josef von Sternberg: The Devil is a Woman (1935) 7.0 Jean Renoir: Boudou Sauve` des Eaux/ Boudou Saved from the Waters (1932) 7.0 Alfred Hitchcock: The Thirty-Nine Steps/ Il Club dei Trentanove (1935) 7.0 Howard Hawks: Twentieth Century (1934) 7.0 George Cukor: The Women (1939) 7.0 George Cukor: Holiday (1938) 7.0 Rene` Clair: Le Million (1931) 7.0 Rene` Clair: A Nous La Liberte`/ Freedom for Us (1931) 7.0 Frank Capra: You Can't Take It With You (1938) 7.0 Frank Capra: Lost Horizon (1937) 7.0 Friedrich Murnau: City Girl (1930) 7.0 Mario Soffici: Prisioneros de la Tierra (1939) 7.0 Hiroshi Shimizu: Kodomo no Shiki/ The Four Seasons of Children (1939)
| This list comes from the ratings for the films of each director. If your favorite film is missing, check its rating in the page of its director. |
1900's | 1910's | 1920's | 1930's | 1940's | 1950's | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | 2010's |