Aleksei Balabanov

7.0 Pro Urodov i Lyudey/ Of Freaks and Men (1998)
6.8 Brat/ Brother (1997)
7.0 Gruz 200/ Cargo 200 (2007)

Aleksei Balabanov directed the blockbuster noir Brat/ Brother (1997), a grim portrait of amorality in post-Soviet Russia, but also the pessimistic and allegorical Pro Urodov i Lyudey/ Of Freaks and Men (1998), with stunning cinematography by Sergei Astakhov, set at the turn of the 20th century in the early days of photography about a perverted pornographer/photographer,

Then came the black comedy Zhmurki/ Blind Man’s Bluff (2005) and a Kafka-esque quasi-horror caricature of the Soviet era, Gruz 200/ Cargo 200 (2007), photographed again by Sergei Astakhov.

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