Best films:
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Lithuanian filmmaker
Sarunas Bartas made films that were increasingly visual, contemplative and meditative with little or no dialogue:
the hermetic Trys Dienos/ Three Days (1991), photographed by Vladas Naudžius and
starring Yekaterina Golubeva,
Koridorius/ The Corridor (1995),
the ethnographic journey Musu Nedaug/ Few of Us (1996), filmed by Bartas himself and starring again Yekaterina Golubeva,
Laisve/ Freedom (2000) Septyni Nematomi žmones/ Seven Invisible Men (2005) Eurazijos Aborigenas/ Eastern Drift (2010) Ramybe Musu Sapnuose/ Peace to Us in Our Dreams (2015) Frost (2017) Sutemose/ In the Dusk (2019)