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Vicino a Resnais, giro` documentari internazionali e politici, come
Le Joli Mai (1962), e soprattutto un film di fantascienza a immagini
fisse di mezz'ora, "photo-roman" La Jeteèe (1962).
Still images explain that a child has witnessed a murder at an airport just
before the start of World War III. Later the war started and a nuclear bomb
wiped out Paris. The survivors were kept as guinea pigs for experiments
by the race that now ruled.
This child, now a man, was selected for one of them.
The goal of the experiments was to communicate
with the past and the future in order to ask for help.
He is selected because he has a strong image of the past, of that day when he
saw a man die.
The experiment lasts several days. He begins to visualize a woman from his past.
Finally he travels back in time one more time.
This time he is back to the airport,
to the scene he witnessed as a child. Except that he is not the child: he is
the man who is about to be killed, running towards that woman, while someone
is chasing him. The child had witnessed his own death.
Sans Soleil (1982) is a poetic and philosophical travelogue
and cine-essay.
If English is your first language and you could translate my old Italian text, please contact me.
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