The best novels of all time

in the Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian and Albanian languages

Selected by piero scaruffi
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  1. Ismail Kadare (Albania, 1936): "Gjenerali i Ushtrise Se Vdekur/ The General of the Dead Army" (1963) ++
  2. Milorad Pavic (Serbia, 1929): "Hazarski Recnik/ Dictionary of the Khazars" (1988) ++
  3. Danilo Kis (Serbia, 1935): "Pescanik/ Hourglass" (1972) ++
  4. Ivo Andric (Serbia, 1892): "Na Drini Cuprija/ The Bridge on the Drina/ Il Ponte sulla Drina" (1945) +
  5. Ismail Kadare (Albania, 1936): "Kronik' n' Gur/ Chronicle in Stone" (1971) +
  6. Vladan Desnica (Serbia, 1905): "Proljece Ivana Galeba/ The Springtimes of Ivan Galeb" (1957) +
  7. Milutin Nehajev (Croatia, 1880): "Bijeg/ The Escape" (1909) +
  8. Oskar Davico (Serbia, 1909): "Pesma/ The Poem/ La Poesia" (1952) +
  9. Dobrica Cosic (Serbia, 1921): "Vreme Smrti/ The Time of Death I-IV" (1979) +
  10. Dasa Drndic (Croatia, 1946): "Sonnenschein/ Trieste" (2007) +
  11. Danilo Kis (Serbia, 1935): "Enciklopedija Mrtvih/ Encyclopedia of the Dead" (1989) +
  12. Ismail Kadare (Albania, 1936): "Ura me Tri Harqe/ The Three-Arched The Bridge" (1978) +
  13. Mesa Selimovic (Serbia, 1910): "Dervis i Smrt/ The Dervish and Death" (1966) +
  14. Dragoslav Mihailovic (Serbia, 1930): "Kad su Cvetale Tikve/ When Pumpkins Blossomed" (1968) +
  15. Miroslav Krleza (Croatia, 1893): "Povratak Filipa Latinovicza/ The Return of Philip Latinovicz" (1932) +
  16. Borislav Pekic (Serbia, 1930): "Zlatno Runo" (1986) +
  17. Bosko Petrovic (Serbia, 1915): "Pevac/ The Singer" (1980) +
  18. Antonije Isakovic (Serbia, 1923): "Tren" (1982) +
  19. Fatos Kongoli (Albania, 1944): "I Humburi/ Loser" (1992) +
  20. Milorad Pavic (Serbia, 1929): "Predeo Slikan Cajem/ A Landscape Painted in Tea/ Un Paesaggio Dipinto di Te" (1985) +
  21. Ranko Marinkovic (Croatia, 1903): "Kiklop" (1965) +
  22. Dragoslav Mihailovic (Serbia, 1930): "Frede Laku Noc/ Good Night Fred" (1967) +
  23. Miroslav Krleza (Croatia, 1893): "Zastave" (1962) +
  24. Ivan Cankar (Slovenia, 1876): "Hlapec Jernej in Njegova Pravica/ Il Servo Jerney" (1907) +
  25. Miodrag Bulatovic (Serbia, 1930): "Ljudi sa Cetiri Prsta" (1975) +
  26. Oskar Davico (Serbia, 1909): "Radni Naslov Beskraja/ Titolo Provvisorio dell'Infinito" (1958) +
  27. Bora Cosic (Serbia, 1932): "Tuton/ The Tutors" (1978) +
  28. Danilo Kis (Serbia, 1935): "Grobnica za Borisa Davidovicha/ A Tomb for Boris Davidovich" (1976) +
  29. August Senoa (Croatia, 1838): "Zlatarevo Zlato/ The Goldsmith's Gold" (1872) +
  30. Ivan Vazov (Bulgaria, 1850): "Pod Igoto/ Under the Yoke" (1889) +
  31. Ivan Tavcar (Slovenia, 1851): "Visoska Kronika/ Autumn Flower" (1919) +
  32. Mirko Kovac (Serbia, 1938): "Zivotopis Malvine Trifkovic/ The Story of Malvina Trifkovic" (1976) +
  33. Blaga Dimitrova (Bulgaria, 1922): "Patuvane kam Sebe si/ Journey Towards Oneself" (1961) +
  34. Zoran Zivkovic (Serbia, 1948): "Cetvrti Krug/ The Fourth Circle" (1993) +
    Yordan Radichkov (Bulgaria, 1929): "Baruten Bukvar/ Gunpowder Primer" (1969) +
  35. Slobodan Novak (Croatia, 1924): "Miris, Zlato i Tamjan" (1968) +
  36. Goran Petrovic (Serbia, 1961): ""Sitnicarnica kod Srecne Ruke/ Trifle-shop Lucky hand" (2000) +
  37. Radoslav Petkovic (Serbia, 1953): "Sudbina i Komentari/ Destiny and Comments" (1993) +
  38. Dasa Drndic (Croatia, 1946): "Belladonna" (2012) +
  39. Nedjeljko Fabrio (Croatia, 1937): "Vjezbanje Zivota/ Exercising Life" (1985) +
  40. Ratko Adamovic (Serbia, 1942): "Besmrtni Kaleb/ The Immortal Kaleb" (1997) +
  41. Svetislav Basara (Serbia, 1953): "Kratkodnevica/ Winter Solstice" (2000) +
  42. Miodrag Bulatovic (Serbia, 1930): "Heroj na Magarcu/ Hero on a Donkey" (1967) +
  43. Branko Copic (Serbia, 1915): "Breakthrough/ Prolom" (1952) +
  44. Bora Cosic (Serbia, 1932): "Uloga Moje Porodice u Svetskoj Revoluciji/ My Family's Role in the World Revolution" (1969) +
  45. Moma Dimic (Serbia, 1944): "Ziveo zivot Tola Manojlovic/ The Life of Tola Manojlovic" (1966) +
  46. Elvira Dones (Albania, 1960): "Yjet nuk Vishen Keshtu / Stars do not Disrobe Like That/ Sole Bruciato" (2000) +
  47. Drago Jancar (Slovenia, 1948): "Katarina pav in Jezuit/ Katerina the Peacock and the Jesuit" (2000) +
  48. Florjan Lipus (Slovenia, 1937): "Zmote Dijaka Tjaza/ The Mistakes of High-school Student Tjaza" (1972) +
  49. Mladen Markov (Serbia, 1934): "Ukop Oca/ Father's Burial" (2002) +
  50. Besnik Mustafaj (Albania, 1958): "Boshi/ The Void" (1998) +
  51. Jovan Radulovic (Serbia, 1951): "Braca po Materi/ Half Brothers" (1986) +
  52. Slobodan Selenic (Serbia, 1933): "Ubitsvo s Predumisljajem/ Premeditated Murder" (1993) +
  53. Vidosav Stevanovic (Serbia, 1942): "Sneg u Atini/ Snow and Dogs" (1994) +
  54. Aleksandar Tisma (Serbia, 1924): "Upotreba Coveka/ The Uses of Man" (1976) +
  55. Dubravka Ugresic (Croatia, 1949): "Stefica Cvek u Raljama Zivota/ Steffie Speck in the Jaws of Life" (1992) +
  56. Dragan Velikic (Serbia, 1953): "Danteov Trg/ Dante's Square" (1998) +


See the Chronology of Serbian and Croatian Literature
See the Chronology of Albanian Literature
See the Chronology of Bulgarian Literature