according to my Timelines of World Literatures
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Murasaki Shikibu (Japan, 973): "Genji Monogatari" (100#) Giovanni Boccaccio (Italy, 1313): "Decameron" (1353) Unknown (Spain): "Amadis de Gaula"(1508) Francois Rabelais (French, 1494): "Gargantua et Pantagruel" (1552) Unknown (Spain): "Lazarillo de Tormes"(1554) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Spain, 1547): "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha" (1615) Cao Xueqin/ Tsao Chan (China, 171#): "Hong-lou Meng/ The Dream of the Red Chamber/ Story of the Stone/ Chronicles of the Stone" (17##) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German, 1749): "Wilhelm Meister" (1796) Heinrich Kleist (German, 1777): "Die Marquise von O" (1808) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German, 1749): "Die Wahlverwandtschaften" (1809) Jane Austen (Britain, 1775): "Pride and Prejudice" (1813) Ernst Hoffmann (German, 1776): "Die Elexiere des Teufels" (1815) Stendhal (French, 1783): "Le Rouge et le Noir" (1830) Honore' de Balzac (French, 1799): "Le Peau De Chagrin" (1831) Victor Hugo (French, 1802): "Notre-Dame de Paris" (1831) Honore' de Balzac (French, 1799): "Eugenie Grandet" (1833) Honore' de Balzac (French, 1799): "Le Pere Goriot" (1835) Stendhal (French, 1783): "La Chartreuse de Parma" (1839) Mikhail Lermontov (Russia, 1814): "Geroi Nashego Vremeni/ A Hero of Our Time" (1840) Nikolai Gogol (Russia, 1809): "Mertvye Dushi/ Dead Souls" (1842) Honore' de Balzac (French, 1799): "Les Illusions Perdues" (1843) Emily Bronte (Britain, 1818): "Wuthering Heights" (1847) Herman Melville (USA, 1819): "Moby Dick" (1851) Gustave Flaubert (French, 1821): "Madame Bovary" (1857) Ivan Goncharov (Russia, 1812): "Oblomov" (1859) Victor Hugo (French, 1802): "Les Miserables" (1862) Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russia, 1821): "Prestuplenie i Nakazanie/ Crime and Punishment/ Delitto e Castigo" (1866) Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russia, 1821): "Idiot" (1869) Lev Tolstoy (Russia, 1828): "Voina i Mir/ War and Peace/ Guerra e Pace" (1869) George Eliot (Britain, 1819): "Middlemarch" (1872) Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russia, 1821): "Besy/ Possessed/ Demoni" (1873) Lev Tolstoy (Russia, 1828): "Anna Karenina" (1877) Emile Zola (French, 1840): "L'Assommoir" (1877) Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russia, 1821): "Bratia Karamazovy/ Brothers Karamazov" (1880) Joris Huysmans (French, 1848): "A Rebours" (1884) Emile Zola (French, 1840): "Germinal" (1885) Benito Perez-Galdos (Spain, 1843): "Fortunata y Jacinta" (1887) Giovanni Verga (Italy, 1840): "Mastro don Gesualdo" (1889) Wilhelm Raabe (German, 1831): "Stopfkuchen" (1891) Knut "Hamsun" Pedersen (Norway, 1859): "Pan" (1894) Theodor Fontane (German, 1819): "Effi Briest" (1895) Theodor Fontane (German, 1819): "Der Stechlin" (1899) Thomas Mann (German, 1875): "Buddenbrooks" (1901) Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Wings of the Dove" (1902) Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Ambassadors" (1903) Joseph Conrad (Poland, 1857): "Nostromo" (1904) Henry James (USA, 1843): "The Golden Bowl" (1904) Luigi Pirandello (Italy, 1867): "Il Fu Mattia Pascal" (1904) Edward-Morgan Forster (Britain, 1879): "Howards End" (1910) Boris Bugayev "Andrey Bely" (Russia, 1880): "Petersburg" (1912) Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (Spain, 1864): "Niebla/ Fog" (1913) Franz Kafka (German, 1883): "Der Prozess/ The Trial" (1915) James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): "Ulysses" (1922) Franz Kafka (German, 1883): "Das Schloss/ Castle" (1922) Marcel Proust (French, 1871): "A La Recherche du Temps Perdu" (1922) Italo Svevo (Italy, 1861): "Coscienza di Zeno" (1923) Thomas Mann (German, 1875): "Der Zauberberg" (1924) Francis-Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1896): "The Great Gatsby" (1925) Andre' Gide (French, 1869): "Les Faux-monnayeurs" (1925) Arthur Schnitzler (German, 1862): "Traumnovelle" (1925) Julien Green (French, 1900): "Adrienne Mesurat" (1927) Virginia Woolf (Britain, 1882): "To the Lighthouse" (1927) Mihail Sadoveanu (Romania, 1880): "Hanu Ancutei/ Ancuta's Inn" (1928) William Faulkner (USA, 1897): "The Sound and the Fury" (1929) Stanislaw Witkiewicz (Poland, 1885): "Nienasycenie/ Insatiability" (1930) Vladislav Vancura (Czech, 1891): "Marketa Lazarova" (1931) Louis-Ferdinand Celine (French, 1894): "Voyage a Bout de la Nuit" (1932) William Faulkner (USA, 1897): "Light in August" (1932) Joseph Roth (German, 1894): "Radetskymarsch" (1932) Robert Musil (German, 1880): "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften/Man Without Qualities" (1933) Karel Capek (Czech, 1890): "Obycejny Zivot/ An Ordinary Life" (1934) Elias Canetti (German, 1905): "Die Blendung/ Auto Da Fe" (1935) James Joyce (Ireland, 1882): "Finnegan's Wake" (1939) Flann O'Brien (Ireland, 1911): "At Swim-two-birds" (1939) Mikhail Bulgakov (Russia, 1891): "Master i Margarita/ The Master and Margarita" (1940) Jorge-Luis Borges (Argentina, 1899): "The Library of Babel" (1941) Albert Camus (French, 1913): "L'Etranger" (1942) Hermann Broch (German, 1886): "Der Tod des Vergil" (1945) Julien Gracq (French, 1910): "Un Beau Tenebreux" (1945) Albert Camus (French, 1913): "La Peste" (1947) Malcolm Lowry (Britain, 1909): "Under the Volcano" (1947) Thomas Mann (German, 1875): "Doktor Faustus" (1947) Junichiro Tanizaki (Japan, 1886): "Sasameyuki/ Makioka Sisters" (1948) Paul Bowles (USA, 1910): "The Sheltering Sky" (1949) Cesare Pavese (Italy, 1908): "La Luna e i Falo`" (1950) Alejo Carpentier (Cuba, 1904): "Los Pasos Perdidos" (1953) William Gaddis (USA, 1922): "The Recognitions" (1955) Rafael Sanchez-Ferlosio (Spain, 1927): "El Jarama/ The River" (1955) Italo Calvino (Italy, 1923): "Il Barone Rampante" (1957) CarloEmilio Gadda (Italy, 1893): "Quer Pasticciaccio Brutto de Via Merulana" (1957) Elsa Morante (Italy, 1912): "L'Isola di Arturo" (1957) Patrick White (Australia, 1912): "Voss" (1957) Wilson Harris (Guyana, 1921): "Palace of the Peacock" (1960) Vasily Grossman (Russia, 1905): "Zhizn i Sudha/ Life And Fate" (1960) Ernesto Sabato (Argentina, 1911): "Sobre Heroes y Tumbas" (1961) Carlos Fuentes (Mexico, 1928): "La Muerte de Artemio Cruz" (1962) Doris Lessing (Zimbabwe, 1919): "The Golden Notebook" (1962) Julio Cortazar (Argentina, 1914): "Rayuela/Hopscotch" (1963) Beppe Fenoglio (Italy, 1922): "Una Questione Privata" (1963) Janet Frame (New Zealand, 1924): "Scented Gardens For The Blind" (1963) Ismail Kadare (Albania, 1936): "Gjenerali i Ushtrise Se Vdekur/ The General of the Dead Army" (1963) Saul Bellow (USA, 1915): "Herzog" (1964) John Barth (USA, 1930): "Giles Goat Boy" (1966) Miguel Delibes (Spain, 1920): "Cinco Horas con Mario" (1966) Jose Lezama-Lima (Cuba, 1910): "Paraiso" (1966) Mario Vargas-Llosa (Peru, 1936): "La Casa Verde" (1966) Milan Kundera (Czech, 1929): "Zert/ The Joke/ Lo Scherzo" (1967) Gabriel Garcia-Marquez (Colombia, 1928): "Cien Anos de Soledad" (1967) Vladimir Nabokov (Russia, 1899): "Ada" (1969) Mario Vargas-Llosa (Peru, 1936): "Conversacion en la Catedral" (1969) Jose Donoso (Chile, 1925): "El Obsceno Pajaro de la Noche" (1970) Michel Tournier (French, 1924): "Le Roi des Aulnes" (1970) Danilo Kis (Serbia, 1935): "Pescanik/ Hourglass" (1972) Thomas Pynchon (USA, 1937): "Gravity's Rainbow" (1973) Thomas Bernhard (German, 1931): "Korrektur/ Correction" (1975) Andreas Embirikos (Greece, 1901): "The Great Eastern" (1975) Juan Goytisolo (Spain, 1931): "Juan Sin Tierra" (1975) Imre Kertesz (Hungary, 1929): "Sorstalansag/ Fateless" (1975) Bohumil Hrabal (Czech, 1914): "Prilis Hlucna Samota/ Too Loud a Solitude (1976) Sasha Sokolov (Canada, 1943): "Shkola Dlya Durakov/ School For Fools" (1976) Josef Skvorecky (Czech, 1924): "Priben Inzennyra Lidskych Dusi/ The Engineer of Human Souls" (1977) Georges Perec (French, 1936): "La Vie Mode d'Emploi/ Life A User's Manual" (1978) Italo Calvino (Italy, 1923): "Se una Notte d'Inverno un Viaggiatore" (1979) Nadine Gordimer (South Africa, 1923): "The Burger's Daughter" (1979) Cormac McCarthy (USA, 1933): "Suttree" (1979) Elfriede Jelinek (German, 1946): "Die Ausgesperrten/ Wonderful Times" (1980) Salman Rushdie (India, 1947): "Midnight's Children" (1980) German Espinosa (Colombia, 1938): "La Tejedora de Coronas" (1982) Uwe Johnson (German, 1934): "Jahrestage/ Anniversaries" (1983) Mahmud Dowlatabadi (1940): "Kelidar" (1984) Jose Saramago (Portugal, 1922): "O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis" (1984) Peer Hultberg (Denmark, 1935): "Requiem" (1985) Laszlo Krasznahorkai (Hungary, 1954): "Satantango" (1985) Haruki Murakami (Japan, 1949): "Sekai no Owari to Ha-doboirudo Wanda-rando/ Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" (1985) Peter Carey (Australia, 1943): "Illywhacker" (1986) Peter Nadas (Hungary, 1942): "Emlekiratok Konyve/ Book of Memoirs" (1986) Joseph McElroy (USA, 1930): "Women and Men" (1987) Toni Morrison (USA, 1942): "Beloved" (1987) Milorad Pavic (Serbia, 1929): "Hazarski Recnik/ Dictionary of the Khazars" (1988) Gao Xingjian/Xingjian (China, 1940): "Soul Mountain" (1989) Kazuo Ishiguro (Japan, 1954): "The Remains of the Day" (1989) Antonia Byatt (Britain, 1936): "Possession" (1990) Orhan Pamuk (Turkey, 1952): "Kara Kitap/ Black Book" (1990) Agustina Bessa-Luis (Portugal, 1922): "Vale Abraao/ Abraham's Valley" (1991) Don DeLillo (USA, 1936): "Underworld" (1997) Ian McEwan (Britain, 1948): "Atonement" (2001) Roberto Bolano (Chile, 1953): "2666" (2003) Mikhail Shishkin (Russia, 1961): "Venerin Volos/ Maidenhair" (2005) Mircea Cartarescu (Romania, 1956): "Orbitor/ Blinding" (2007) Hilary Mantel (Britain, 1952): "Wolf Hall" (2008) Eugene Vodolazkin (Russia, 1964): "Laurus" (2012) Elena Ferrante (Italy, 1943): "L'Amica Geniale/ My Brilliant Friend" (2014) Olga Tokarczuk (Poland, 1962): "Ksiegi Jakubowe/ The Books of Jacob" (2014) Jenny Erpenbeck (Germany, 1967): "Gehen Ging Gegangen/ Go Went Gone" (2015) Solvej Balle (Denmark, 1962): “Om Udregning af Rumfang I/ On the Calculation of Volume I" (2020) |