Lecturing in China on Silicon Valley (September 2014)

Tonglu technology forum: the room

Tonglu technology forum: the audience

The interpreter and me

Tonglu technology forum: charming organizers

Tonglu technology forum: the man who curated the Chinese edition of my book on Silicon Valley

Tonglu technology forum: my name

Tonglu technology forum: the other speakers

Tonglu technology forum: the translator of my book

Tonglu: dinner at the Communist Party Headquarters

With my interpreter at the Hangzhou airport

Alice, deputy director of the publishing house, and her assistant

Foreign Language University, Beijing: the program

Foreign Language University, Beijing: the audience

Foreign Language University, Beijing: the audience

Amazon interview, Beijing

Amazon interview

Amazon interview

Lunch in my honor (vegetarian restaurant: Chongwebmen West St & Qianmen Dongdajie)

Lunch in my honor

Lunch in my honor (to my right the founder of Live Code, to my left the director of the publishing house)

Being introduced at Mobile Research Center, Beijing

Speaking at Mobile Research Center

Gift from Linda, deputy director of the research center

Meeting with the director of research (a Bell Labs veteran)

With my friend, serial entrepreneur Chengyu Lee

With my friends Chengyu Lee and Tao Zhu

The Chinese translation of my book on Silicon Valley
Article in the national Chinese news:

December 2014: "A History of Silicon Valley" is ranked #7 most influential book of the year in China (Xinhua News Agency's readers poll):

(main page of the Xinhua article)

December 2014: "A History of Silicon Valley" is ranked #1 most influential book of the year in "Finance and Economics":

(full article or here)

Spring 2015: visit by Black Horse

Stephanie Wu (East West Bank)
An interview published in 2015:
Another interview published in 2015:

Letters of Appointment


Video interview of June 2015
Article in Chinese magazine

Next: click here for the 2015-16 lectures and interviews, click here for the 2017 talks, click here for 2018, click here for 2019.