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Shawn Flynn's Silicon Valley podcast
- Nov 12 @ 9am: MIT symposium on " Boundary Conditions: Architecture, Simulation, Cinema" https://www.eventbrite.com/e/boundary-conditions-architecture-simulation-cinema-registration-194675649107
- May 26 @ 6pm: Mobina Nouri and Mayank Sanganeria https://www.eventbrite.com/e/y-exchange-talking-about-art-and-science-tickets-154734114903
- May 11-17: The Nature Summit, a multi-day free online event with 28 artists, environmentalists, theologians, thinkers, activists and poet Jane Hirshfield Registration: https://thenaturesummit.com/tns/JaneHirshfield
- April 28th, 6PM: Krista DeNio and Rodrigo Bueno https://www.eventbrite.com/e/y-exchange-presents-krista-denio-and-rodrigo-bueno-tickets-151537884893
- April 24: "A Company of Authors" (Stanford writers and editors will make a brief presentation about their recently published books) https://continuingstudies.stanford.edu/company-of-authors-spring-2021
- April 16th: "The God Equation" with CCNY physicist Michio Kaku https://sable.madmimi.com/c/44889?id=512060.1560.1.b2bd8f88423b9474113580bfe00ccda0
- April 17th: "Black Hole Portrait: How We Got Our First Picture" with Princeton Professor Eliot Quataert https://sable.madmimi.com/c/44889?id=512060.1562.1.e46be329285fb6be7720b67ee26cbd5c
- Apr 15 @ 6pm: A conversation with artists and philosophers (Cynthia Hooper, Adam Chin, Terry Berlier, Glori Simmons, John Campbell, and Piero Scaruffi) (register here)
- Apr 8 @ 6pm: Janine Randerson (Auckland University of Technology, live from New Zealand) on "Weather as Medium", Jennie Lavine (Emory Univ) on "What is the endgame of the covid pandemic? Will covid become endemic?" (register here)
- April 8, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Online exhibition tour led by gallery director Glori Simmons
- Apr. 5, 5-6 p.m. Engineer Chris Brooks in conversation with artists Adam Chin and Carrie Hott
- Mar 25 @ 6pm: Monica Smith (UC Los Angeles/ Anthropology) on "Urban Art: The First 6,000 Years", Brian Knutson (Stanford/ Neuroscience) on "Toward a Deep Science of Affect, Motivation, and Choice", Sophia Moskalenko (National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism, live from Maryland) on "Radicalization and Martyrdom" (register here)
- Mar. 22, 5-6 p.m. Engineer Genna Smith in conversation with artists Terry Berlier and Gail Wight
- Mar 11 @ 6pm: Ian Duncan (UC Berkeley) on "The Novel after the Scientific Revolution", Anastasia Raina and the Posthuman Mobility team (Rhode Island School of Design) on "Microbial Cosmologies", Christian Kohler (Lawrence Berkeley Labs) on "Environmental Building Technologies" (register here)
- Mar 1-5: Stanford SIEPR Economic Summit https://siepr.stanford.edu/events/2021-siepr-economic-summit
- Mar. 1, 5-6:30 p.m. Apart opening celebration with the artists followed by a conversation with engineer Lou Sassoubre and artist Cynthia Hooper
- Feb 25: A panel on the algorithmic society with Irina Raicu, Michal Kosinsky and Piero Scaruffi (register here)
- Feb 24 @ 6pm: Y-Exchange with choreographers Maurya Kerr and Sara Shelton Mann (register here)
- Feb 24: Tucker Hiatt on "The Most Famous Equation" (register here)
- Feb 23 @ 1pm: Robert Buelteman on "Chasing the Light at Stanford's Jasper Ridge " (register)
- Feb 16 @ 5:30pm: Introducing the Asian American Art Initiative at Stanford https://event.stanford.edu/events/902/90296/
- Feb 10 & 12 : Stanford symposium on Climate Change and Business https://gsbclimateinnovation.com/2021-agenda-speakers
- Dec 17 @ 6pm: Daniela de Paulis (artist live from the Netherlands) and Janine Marchessault (art scholar live from Canada) (registration link)
- Dec 11-20: Codame festival - use promotional code CODAME-2020 (link)
- Dec 5: Meredith Tromble's installation "The Vortex" (registration link)
- Dec 3 @ 6pm: Ian Hodder (Stanford/ Anthropology) on the prehistoric settlement of Çatalhöyük, one of the world's earliest societies"; Miriam Dym (Visual Artist & Systems Thinker) on her visual art based on infinitely variable and interactive pattern systems; Vijaya Nagarajan (Univ. of San Francisco) on "Embedded Mathematics in Southern India's Ritual Art of the Kolam" (registration link)
- Nov 18 @ 6pm: Prof. Curtis Frank on "Pigments Through the Ages" (registration link)
- Nov 12 @ 12pm: Heather Spence (Marine biologists and Composer) on "Underwater Sound Research: Music of Marine Biology" and Cheryl Leonard (Composer and Instrument builder) on "Phantom Limbs: Composing Music Amidst the Sixth Extinction" (link to register)
- Nov 5 @ 6pm: Sachiko Kodama (Visual Artist) and Robert Buelteman (Cameraless photographer) (link to register)
- Oct 28: Y-Exchange: Talking about the Election 2020 (link to register)
- Oct 26: Lawrence Lek, "The Sinofuturist Trilogy: Sinofuturism (1839-2046 AD), Geomancer, and AIDOL" http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/events/13/art-tech-culture/3954/the-sinofuturist-trilogy-sinofuturism-1839-2046-ad-geomancer-and-aidol
- Oct 24: Pamela Z concert https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pamela-z-tickets-119164047875
- Oct. 21 - 25: Bay Area Science Festival
- Oct 15 @ 6pm: Piroska Kopar (Washington Univ) on "Ethics in the Time of Coronavirus" and Milana Trounce (Stanford) on "Pandemic Resilience" (link to register)
- Oct 7 @ 9:00 am: Triangulating Intelligence conference: Melding Neuroscience, Psychology, and AI (check Stanford events)
- Oct 7 @ 6pm: Y-Exchange with Jiayi Young on Project Echo: Art, Disinformation, and the Election 2020 (link to register)
- Oct 1 @ 6pm: "Paradoxes and illusions: innovative and disruptive concepts of art." with Rebecca Rutstein, Blanca Bercial, and Alexa Meade (link to register)
- Sep 30 @ 6pm: dance artist Olivia Eng and scientist Jim Swick (link to register)
- Sep 26 @ 3pm: Learning environments during the pandemic: Soh Yeong Roh (South Korea), Fred Paulino (Brazil), Adam Somlai-Fischer (Hungary), Marcus Neustetter (South Africa/ Austria) and Jo Wei (China) RSVP: ppp@imaginaryfutures.org
- Sep 24 @ 6pm: Margot Gerritsen on "The Unbearable Lightness of Computational Mathematics" (link to register)
- Sep 24 @ 5:30pm: David Haussler on "Tracing the Evolution of the Virus Genome" https://calendar.ucsc.edu/event/kraw_lecture_genomics_covid-19#.X1BmlbgWZTF
- Sep 23-26: Gray Area Festival "Radical Simulation"
- Sep 17 @ 6pm: "Brain-inspired Artificial Intelligence" ( Register here)
- Sep 10 @ 6pm: Art & Science Evening (link to register)
- Sep 8 - Nov 12 @ UC Berkeley: Experimental Cinema in Latin America (link to register)
- Jul 9 @ 6pm: UC Berkeley neuroscientist Bruno Olshausen on "Visual Perception and the Brain: What we know, what we don't know, and what we don't even know we don't know" in conversation with Piero Scaruffi, part of the LASER series (link to register)
- Jul 8 @ 6pm: UC Irvine biologist Luis Villarreal on "Living in the Virosphere: A Virus-first Theory of the Evolution of Life" in conversation with Piero Scaruffi, part of the LASER series (link to register)
- Jul 1 @ 4pm: "How music has been deployed in hospitals during the pandemic to improve both physical and mental health" with Andrew Janss, Indre Viskontas, and Claudius Conrad (link)
- Jul 1 @ 5pm: "Abolish Silicon Valley". How is Silicon Valley perpetuating vast inequality? Wendy Liu and Owen Thomas in a conversation about more radical ways of developing technology. (link)
- Jul 1 @ 12:00 pm: "The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Power of Protest" with Join Allyson Hobbs (link )
- Jul 1: Moira Donegan on "The Feminist Present" (link )
- Jun 30 @ 6pm: "Killer Robots" with Peter Asaro from Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, Maynard Holliday from RAND Corporation, Liz O'Sullivan from Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, Ken Goldberg from CITRIS People and Robots Lab (link)
- Jun 30 @ 5:30 PM: : COVID-19: The scientific basis for what we know...and the exit strategy it provides". Marm Kilpatrick will give a broad overview of the vast scientific literature on COVID-19 including mechanisms of transmission; high and low risk activities; fatality, including impacts on different ages and people with pre-existing conditions; challenges in understanding current levels of transmission & what this means for relaxing lockdowns; and how to interpret models & projections. (link to register)
- Jun 27: NASA's Penelope Boston on "_Astrobiology Under Our Feet and Out to the Stars" (link)
- Jun 26 @ 10:00 am: Scott Kuindersma (Boston Dynamics) on "Recent Progress on Atlas, the World's Most Dynamic Humanoid Robot ( broacast link)
- Jun 25 @ 5pm: Gray Area Artist Showcase Opening Reception (link)
- Jun 25 @ 6pm: "Online Art in the Age of Plague" with Alex Reben, Jiabao Li, Craig Hobbs in conversation with Piero Scaruffi, part of the LASER series (link to register)
- Jun 24 @ 6pm: Don Kimber and Robson Lourenco at Y-Exchange, Co-Presented by Kinetech Arts, ODC, and Djerassi. Y-Exchange is a monthly series of presentations about performing arts, technology and science and how they intersect and inform each other. Speakers are invited to talk about their life and work in a 25 minute presentation followed by Q&A. (link to register)
- Jun 24 @ 6pm: Stanford panel on Opportunities for Art & Science Interaction, part of the LASER series (link to register)
- Jun 24 @ 1pm: Ge Wang (Stanford CCRMA) on "Folk Design" with special guest Jack Atherton, designer, researcher, and CCRMA Ph.D. Candidate. We will unpack folk design and learn about Jack's work combining design for human flourishing, VR, and interactive machine learning. Using a tool code-named "Reality by Example", Jack will also lead us in a group folk design exercise to create and populate a VR island with terrain, music, trees, and animals. No experience is needed; all are welcome! (webinar link)
- Jun 23 @ 8:30 am: "Global Energy Dialogues: Conversation with Steven Chu" (registration link)
- Jun 23 @ 3pm: Stanford panel on "Rethinking Art for the Online World: Online Art, Online Exhibitions, Online Audience" part of the LASER series (link to register)
- Jun 20 at 7pm: The World According to Sound presents a sonic escape from the pandemic; a live, communal, binaural listening event. (purchase tickets)
- Jun 18 @ 6pm: Piero Scaruffi (Silicon Valley AI Research Inst), Andra Keay (Silicon Valley Robotics) and (live from China) Zhang Xuequn (International Association of Robotics Associations) on "Robots & Covid-19" at Qbay Click here to register)
- Jun 18 @ 9am: Oceanographer Jody Deming and Artist Adrien Segal at the National Academy of Science (DASER) (link)
- Jun 17 @ 12pm: Ge Wang (Stanford CCRMA) and Rebecca Fiebrink (Creative Computing Institute at University of the Arts London) on "Artificial Intelligence: What Do We (Really) Want?" (webinar link)
- Jun 15 @ 6pm: Andra Keay (Silicon Valley Robotics) and Piero Scaruffi on "Robots & Pandemics" at Stanford (Click here to register)
- Jun 10 @ 7pm: Mark Jacobson (Stanford) on "Impact of 100% clean, renewable Green New Deal roadmaps on costs, jobs, health, and climate in 143 countries", hosted by Piero Scaruffi (Click here to register)
- Jun 9 @ 7:30pm: Aaron Marcus on "The past 100 years of the future: UX design in sci-fi, movies and TV". Aaron Marcus of AM+A shares his perspective on the future: For many decades sci-fi movies have shown future technology. Sci-fi also has made sometimes dramatic mistakes in predicting what is usable, useful, and appealing and seems to be adopted. The objective is to expand application of HCI/UX knowledge to look at popular media with a critical eye. Longer description at https://BayCHI.org/program
- Jun 8 @ 7pm: "Covid-19: What we know and what we don't know" with Stanford virologist Catherine Blish, hosted by Piero Scaruffi. Click here to register and
click here to learn more about this event and about the L.A.S.T. Dialogues while the L.A.S.E.R.s are on hold.
- Jun 4 @ 11am: Death or Utopia in the next three decades (link). Today the data suggests that we are near the beginning of a chaotic mess of global proportions. Things are fairly simple: a global pandemic with no tools to fight the virus. a global economy in disarray, climate change and other existential risks beginning to intrude into our daily lives, and a total lack of a plan as to what to do. On the other hand, we are at the pinnacle of human capabilities and have, if we choose to do so, the capability create a Utopian egalitarian world without conflict or want. In this two hour program a group of experts will explore the future, focusing on 2030 and 2050. Where are we now? What is trending? What if anything can be done about it? John Markoff Stanford Institute for Human Centered AI, ex-NY Times (Moderator), Garrett Banning Washington-based strategic thinker and analysti, Joy Buolamwini Algorithmic Justice League | Poet of Code ; Harvard, Carole Dumaine Consultant, NIC, CIA; Co-founder of Futures.orgs, John Hennessy Stanford University professor, past President; Chair BoD Alphabet, Michael Mann Earth System Science Center and Professor, Penn State, Carmine Medina Former CIA Deputy Director, Author of Rebels At Work, Paul Saffo Forecaster of technology change, Stanford Engineerings Adjunct, Megan Smith CEO shift7, MIT Board, ex-CIO of the US under Obama.
- Jun 4 @ 5:00 PM: Virtual Cafe' Scientifique - The cience Behind Combating COVID-19 ()
- Jun 3 @ 4pm: Art curator JoAnne Northrup in conversation with Bay Area artist Kal Spelletich (link)
- Jun 1 @ 9:15am-12:30pm: "COVID + AI: The Road Ahead" Stanford conference (link)
- Jun 1 @ 11:00am: Seizing the Moment: America's Alliances and the Technology Race. The United States is losing ground in the race against China to pioneer the most important technologies of the 21st century. The only way for the United States to tip the scale back in its favor is to deepen cooperation with allies. (link)
- Jun 1: "COVID + AI: The Road Ahead" conference by Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (registration link)
- May 28 @ 5:30-7:30PM: Medicine & the Muse Annual Symposium Goes Virtual! ( link)
- May 27 @ 5-6:15 PM PST: Matchbox is an art+tech interactive lab series, programmed by CounterPulse, ZERO1, and Kinetech Arts, that seeds collaboration beyond discipline. Embark on the absurdity of social choreography in human interaction with Heidi Boisvert and Andersmith (registration link)
- May 27, 4:30 p.m.: Instagram Co-Founder Kevin Systrom. The Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders series provides a platform for a candid exploration of the entrepreneurial journey, where leaders share personal stories of the secrets and setbacks behind success. (webinar link)
- May 24 @ 11am PST: Kamal Sinclair discusses "Holographic Cinema: A New World". Learn how her perspective as Executive Director of the Guild of Future Architects and former Director of Sundance Institute's New Frontier Lab informs this chapter. (registration link)
- May 23-24: Mutek San Francisco goes online worldwide with NEXUS. Experience live AV performers on two stages in a virtual festival environment. View film screenings by experimental artists. (registration link)
- May 22 @ 5pm: "Pivot Point: SJSU DMA BFA Exhibition this Friday" ()
- May 22 @ 3:30 p.m.: Auckland: The Observatory Project: Revealing a Hidden Universe (link)
- May 21 @ 11am EDT: "The Trade of Nature", an online conversation addressing current realities of climate change from the point of view of globalization, organized by the National Academy of Sciences (registration link)
- May 21 at 3:30 PM: Stanford COVID-19 Community Virtual Town Hall II: "What Does the "New Normal" Look Like in Healthcare, Education, and Workplace settings?" Panelists: David Studdert, Professor of Medicine and of Law, Stanford University; Nancy Magee, San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools, San Mateo County Office of Education; Megan Mahoney, Chief of Staff, Stanford Healthcare; Clinical Professor, Division of Primary Care and Population Health, Stanford Medicine; Russell Furr, Associate Vice Provost for Environmental Health and Safety, Stanford University (registration link)
- May 21 @ 12:00pm: Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute Seminar Series: David Anderson (webinar link)
- May 20 @ 9am: A Conversation On "What's next? Art-science ideas emerging from the lockdown" (link)
- May 20, 5:30 p.m.: Death on the Nile: A 3D Visit to Egypt's Most Enduring Cemetery. Elaine Sullivan (UCSC) takes us on a virtual visit to the site of Saqqara-the ancient Egyptian necropolis that was the burial place of kings, queens, priests, and elite officials for 2,500 years-using a 3D model that digitally "reconstructs" the original appearance of the ancient monuments. (webinar link)
- May 20, 2020 @ 5:15 pm: Cristian Soler on "Pascal and G˘mez D vila: Skeptical Ellipses and Political Revolutions" Soler will pretend to link the writings of two distant authors in both time and place: the seventeenth century French mathematician and writer Blaise Pascal and the twentieth century Colombian philosopher Nicol s G˘mez D vila. In order to do this, he will borrow two concepts from Severo Sarduy's essays on the Baroque and Neo Baroque that will frame my work: ellipses and revolutions. (webinar link)
- May 20 @ 1pm: "When Humans and Computers Interact" with Ge Wang and James Landay, Computer Science professor at Stanford who will talk human-computer interaction as well as teaching design, technology and society. (webinar link)
- May 19 @ 12:10 pm: Panel: Surveillance Technology Governance During and After COVID-19 (link)
- May 19 @ 12:30 pm: "World War II and the West It Wrought".
Having lifted the United States out of the Great Depression, World War
II set in motion a massive westward population movement, ignited a
quarter-century boom that redefined the West as the nation's most
economically dynamic region, and triggered unprecedented public
investment in manufacturing, education, scientific research, and
infrastructure-an economic revolution that would lay the groundwork for
prodigiously innovative high-tech centers in Silicon Valley, the Puget
Sound area, and elsewhere. (link)
- May 19 from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM: "Open Problems for Robots in Surgery and Healthcare" Online Mini-Symposium (link)
- May 19 at 5pm: Renee Fleming's live series exploring the impact of music and the arts on human health and the brain ( link)
- May 18: Rana el Kaliouby on " Girl Decoded: Disrupting Industries and Humanizing Technology with Emotion AI " (webinar link)
- May 16 @ 4:00 PM: Fireside Chat with Dr John Wang : The Race for COVID-19 Vaccine (link)
- May 15, 10:30 a.m.: "COVID-19: The Economic Impact in China".
The King Center on Global Development and the Walter H. Shorenstein
Asia-Pacific Research Center present four Stanford faculty members who
share their expertise during this critical time as China lifts its
lockdown. (webinar link)
- May 14, 4 p.m.: "The Impact of Robots on Staffing in Nursing
Homes". In one of its first studies of the service sector, the Stanford
Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence examines the
impact of robot adoption in nursing homes. (webinar link)
- May 14, 4:30 p.m.: Carol McKibben on "Cannery Row at 75". John
Steinbeck's novel Cannery Row depicts Monterey, California, through the
lens of a collection of male characters who lived on its margins. Less
interesting for Steinbeck, but equally compelling for us, were the
mostly immigrant women who made up the workforce of the fish canneries (webinar link)
- May 13 @ 20h00 CET: Christiane Paul and Michael Connor reflect
on the past, present and future of making, presenting and curating work
online (link)
- May 13, 2020 @ 12:00 pm : (webinar link) Battling the Sky: A Spatial History of the Hail Cannon
- May: Piero Scaruffi interviewed from outer space on AI, Silicon
Valley, plagues in history and provocative comments on art and music (link)
- May 12, 5 p.m.: Nick Bloom on " Working from Home and the
Future of U.S. Economic Growth Under COVID-19". The Stanford Institute
for Economic Policy Research hosts a special associates meeting
featuring economics Professor Nick Bloom. (webinar link)
- May 8 - 11:00am-12:00pm: Ron Chrisley on "Against Ethical Robots" (webinar link)
- May 7, 2020 @ 5:30 pm : STUCK@HOME, Stanford Medicine Virtual Concert (webinar link)
- May 6, 2020 @ 12:00 pm: The Sultan's Eunuch: The Chief Harem Eunuch as Shaper of the Ottoman Empire (webinar link)
- May 6: Ge Wang's series on artful design, coding, music, and critical making (click here for the webinar)
- May 5: "COVID-19, Robots and Us". Every week Robohub speaks to experts from the robotics and health community (webinar link)
- May 2 @ 5pm: COVID-19 Pandemic Requires Global Collaborations.
A Dialogue Among Frontline Physicians Battling COVID-19 in China and
the United States. (webinar link)
5:00pm - 5:05pm Introduction to CABS, Dr. Carrie Wang, President-elect of CABS
5:05pm - 5:10pm Introduction to GLF, Dr. Weixing Chen, President of Gracious Life Foundation
5:10pm - 5:30pm How to prevent mild patient from worsening? Dr.
Fengming Luo, Professor of Respiratory Therapy, West China Medical
5:30pm - 5:45pm Talk title TBD, Dr. Zuo-Feng Zhang, Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA
5:45pm - 6:00pm Talk title TBD, Dr. Michael Bernstein, Pulmonologist, Stamford Hospital Connecticut
6:00pm - 6:15pm How to Setup a Pop-up SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Testing
Facility at a University without a Medical School in Just Three Weeks?
Dr. Lea Witkowsky, Policy Analyst, UC Berkeley
6:15pm - 7:00pm Panel Discussion.
Moderator: Dr. Hua Jiang, Infectious Disease Specialist, Methodist Hospital of Southern California
Panelists: Dr. Fengming Luo, Dr. Zuo-Feng Zhang and Dr. Michael Bernstein, Dr. Lea Witkowsky.
- Apr 30: Arup Chakraborty (MIT) on "How to Hit Highly Mutable
Pathogens Where It Hurts". Infectious disease-causing germs are a
threat that has plagued humanity since antiquity. Vaccination has often
protected against these threats, and saved more lives than any other
medical procedure. But, vaccines designed using the empirical paradigms
pioneered by Pasteur and Jenner have failed against some pathogens. HIV,
a highly mutable virus, is a prominent example. (webinar link)
- Apr 29 @ 6pm: Piero Scaruffi interviewed by Brian Sparkes on
latest tech/science innovation (in AI, new materials, brain-computer
interfaces, bioscience), how the arts can help rethink the future, and
peace technology to manage complex situations like a pandemic crisis (webinar link)
- Apr 29 @ 1pm: Ge Wang's series on artful design, coding,
music, and critical making. "Each week we will explore a topic/prompt,
have a conversation, and attempt a collaborative activity" (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 29 @ 12pm: "Rethinking the History of Plague in the Time of
Coronavirus". Nukhet Varlik, author of of Plague and Empire in the
Early Modern Mediterranean World - The Ottoman Experience (2015) and
editor of Plague and Contagion in the Islamic Mediterranean (2017), will
take stock of the lasting legacies of past plagues because they
continue to shape the way we think about new pandemics. In particular,
Varlik will address persistent problems, such as European
exceptionalism, triumphalism, and epidemiological orientalism that are
not only ubiquitous in plague studies, but also staples of public
opinion about pandemics, past and present. (webinar link)
- Apr 28: Rebecca DuBois on "Viruses & Vaccines" (webinar link)
- Apr 28: "COVID-19, Robots and Us". Every week at 7pm Robohub speaks to experts from the robotics and health community (webinar link)
- Apr 28: Stanford Bio-X Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Biosciences (webinar link)
- Apr 27: Max Czollek on "De-Integration? Judaism and the Theater of Memory in Contemporary Germany (webinar link)
- Apr 27: Microsoft's Chief Technology Officer Kevin Scott on
"Reprogramming the American Dream - From Rural America to Silicon
Valley: Making A.I. Serve Us All" (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 25: "Hip-Hop to Hamilton". Khafre James, executive director
of Hip Hop for Change, and Lily Ling, music director and conductor for
the And Peggy North American Tour of "Hamilton", for a discussion on art
in the post-COVID-19 world. (webinar link)
- Apr 23: Stanford COVID-19 Community Town Hall - A panel of health experts from Stanford Univ (webinar link
- Apr 23: H.R. Mcmaster on "Covid-19: Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Implications" (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 23: Selections from the inception of Other Mind's C4NM
series Latitudes including performances by Bill Orcutt, Zachary James
Watkins, Tetuzi Akiyama, & John Krausbauer (Facebook link)
- Apr 22 @ 7pm: Earth Day - Global Hox Zodiac Quarantine Dinner.
HOX ZODIAC project ( www.hoxzodiac.com ) is a 12 year collaboration
between artist Victoria Vesna and scientist Siddharth Ramakrishnan.
Inspired by the meaning of the HOX gene (that control body plans in all
animals - be it a snake with a long body, an elephant with a trunk or
humans with legs and feet)-- the art/sci collaborators address questions
about our treatment of animals and remind us that we are part of this
kingdom. After many iterations, it developed into a dinner that was
staged in many cities around the planet, asking guests to come to the
table as the animal they are in the zodiac, offer food recommended by
Ayurveda and Chinese medicine and share stories, music and performances.
(webinar link)
- Apr 22 @ 4:30 PM: "Was America's China Foreign Policy a Foolish Failure? The Logic and Achievement of Engagement". (webinar link)
- Apr 22 @ 2:00 pm: Special Earth Day LASER - Cyclone Leaves Online Performance chaired by Janine Randerson from New Zealand (webinar link)
- Apr 22, 12-1.15pm: Alexander Key (Stanford University) on "Ambiguity in Islam: logic and poetics" (webinar link)
- Apr 22: Ge Wang's series on artful design, coding, music, and critical making (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 21: Panel at Stanford on South Korea's Public Health Response to COVID-19 (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 21: COVID-19 - Impacts and Equity: Berkeley's Computing and Data Science In Action (webinar link)
- Apr 18: UC Berkeley physicist Robert McGehee on dark matter (click here for the webinar
- Apr 16: Cannupa Hanska on "The Artist as Bridge Builder" (webinar link)
- Apr 16: Christiane Paul on "Robo-Exoticism", a range of human
responses to AI and robots that exaggerate both their negative and
positive attributes and reinforce fears, fantasies, and stereotypes. (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 15: Ed Catmull (co-founder of Pixar) and Richard Chuang on "Past, Present, and Future of Computer Graphics" (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 15: Ge Wang's series on artful design, coding, music, and critical making (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 14: Andra Keay hosting "Covid-19, robots and us" (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 14: Panel at Stanford on Japan's Response to Covid-19 (click here for the webinar)
- Apr 13: Warren Sack offers an alternative history of computing
that places the arts at the very center of software's evolution. (click here for the webinar )
- Apr 13: Tom White has investigated enabling computer vision
systems to draw their own visual abstractions. These are also understood
universally across most AI systems trained to recognise the same
objects. It's art by AI, for AI. (click here for the webinar )
Bay Area L.A.S.E.R. page
L.A.S.T. Festival page