(Copyright © 2006 Piero Scaruffi | Legal restrictions - Termini d'uso )
Expanding on Freud's views of childhood development, in the 1950s the German psychoanalyst Eric Erickson placed emphasis on culture and viewed development as structured in eight stages that extend from birth to death (and not only from birth to late childhood), each stage corresponding to a "task": Infant (in which the task is simply to trust others and the environment), Toddler (in which the task is to to master the physical environment, including learning to walk, talk and eat), Preschooler (in which the task is to imitate adults), School-Age Child (in which the task is to build self-esteem by refining skills), Adolescent (in which the many social roles of son, sibling, student and so forth are integrated mostly through role models and peer pressure), Young Adult (in which personal commitments to friend, lover, spouse, parent and so forth become relevant), Middle-Age Adult (in which the emphasis shifts towards career, family and politics and, in general, being "in charge"), Older Adult (the age of personal loss and intimations of mortality).
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