Cone Peak, Ventana Wilderness

(Copyright © 2007 Piero Scaruffi | Legal restrictions)
If you would like to purchase the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

Notes of this trip

If you have high-speed Internet, click here for the larger pictures

Kirk Creek campground

Kirk Creek campground

Kirk Creek campground

Kirk Creek campground

Kirk Creek campground

Kirk Creek campground

Kirk Creek campground

Vicente trailhead

Vicente trailhead

The campground from the trail

The campground from the trail

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

The Vicente trail heads north parallel to the highway

Cone Peak in the distance

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

Cone Peak in the distance

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

Cone Peak in the distance

Cone Peak (to the left)

The trail turns east into a canyon

The trail turns east into a canyon

Vicente Flat

Vicente Flat (first creek crossing)

Vicente Flat (first creek crossing)

Creek at Vicente Flat


Sign at Vicente Flat (the trail for Cone Peak is to the left)

More creek crossings

More creek crossings

More creek crossings

More creek crossings

More creek crossings

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

Cone Peak

The trail ascends the southern side of the canyon

End of the Vicente trail at the Cone Peak rd

End of the Vicente trail at the Cone Peak rd

End of the Vicente trail at the Cone Peak rd

Cone Peak

The ridge on the other side of the canyon

Views from Cone Peak Rd

Views from Cone Peak Rd

Views from Cone Peak Rd

Camping by the road

Cone Peak

Cone Peak

View of the canyon to the ocean

View of the canyon to the ocean


View east

The Cone Peak Rd before the sharp right turn

The Cone Peak trailhead is there

Cone Peak trail

View towards the ocean

View south

View north (Cone Peak)

Cone Peak

The ridge on the north of the canyon


Cone Peak

The coast becomes visible again

Cone Peak trail

Cone Peak trail

Cone Peak trail

Cone Peak trail

Almost at the top


Last steep climb

The top

The top

The coast from the top

Views from the top

Views from the top

Views from the top

Views from the top

Colossal plateau to the east

Views from the top

Views from the top

Colossal plateau to the east

Views from the top

Forest below

The canyon going to the ocean

The ocean and a bridge over Hwy1

The ridge we came from (the road is on the left of the ridge)

Down in the canyon

Young laurel tree

View southeast

View north

The coast on the way back (sunset)

The coast on the way back (sunset)

The hills on the way back (sunset)

The hills on the way back (sunset)

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(Copyright © 2007 Piero Scaruffi | Legal restrictions)
If you would like to purchase the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me