Pictures of Bishop Pass to the Palisades

(Copyright © 2007 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

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Start here with the Bishop Pass trail

The trail and Agassiz where you leave it

A route to go around Agassiz


Mt Agassiz from Bishop Pass

Mt Agassiz

The route to Thunderbolt Pass


Mt Winchell

Dusy Basin

Isosceles Lakes

Mt Winchell and Thunderbolt Pass

Dusy Basin panorama from southwest (Isosceles Peak) to northwest

Eastern Isosceles Lake

East Isosceles lake

Panoramic of the lakes from southwest to northwest

Dusy Basin

Dusy Basin

Mt Winchell

Dusy Basin

Dusy Basin

Looking back to Bishop Pass

Mt Darwin towering over Bishop Pass

Dusy Basin

Dusy Basin

Thunderbolt Pass

Thunderbolt Peak before Thunderbolt Pass

Thunderbolt Peak before Thunderbolt Pass

Isosceles lakes

Isosceles lakes

Isosceles lakes from Thunderbolt Pass

Thunderbolt Pass and the Barrett Lakes

Thunderbolt Pass

The North Palisade from Thunderbolt Pass

The southwest chute to Thunderbolt Peak

The southwest chute to Thunderbolt Peak

The North Palisade from Thunderbolt Pass

The North Palisade from Thunderbolt Pass

Looking south from Thunderbolt Pass

Barrett Lake

Looking southwest from Thunderbolt Pass

Barrett Lake

The southwest chute to Thunderbolt Peak



North Palisade


North Palisade

Thunderbolt Pass from North Palisade

Thunderbolt Pass from North Palisade

Thunderbolt Pass and Mt Darwin

Black stain of the North Palisade

Looking back to Thunderbolt Pass




Barrett lakes

Black stain

Black stain

Black stain

Looking south

Cliffs of the North Palisade

Cliffs of the North Palisade

The first chute

Barrett lakes

Thunderbolt Pass

Looking south

The first chute (not the right one)

Thunderbolt Pass and Mt Darwin

Barrett lakes

Approaching the North pal chute (before the granite slabs)

A shortcut to the chute

The chute to the U-Notch

The U-Notch chute

The U-Notch chute is beyond this granite slabs

The shortcut to the U-Notch chute

The U-Notch chute

The U-Notch chute

North Palisade walking south

One way to enter the chute

The easier way to enter the chute

Beginning of the North Pal chute

North Pal chute from below

Further south towards Potluck Pass

Further south towards Potluck Pass

Further south towards Potluck Pass

Further south towards Potluck Pass (Mt Sill is behind these peaks)

Further south towards Potluck Pass

Further south towards Potluck Pass

North Palisade from south

Towards Potluck Pass

Towards Potluck Pass

Barrett lakes

View south

Coasting the North Palisade and Polemonium

The view southwest (west of Potluck Pass)

North Palisade from the south

Details of the North Palisade's west face

Thunderbolt and North Palisade from the south

South of North Palisade (Mt Sill is on the other side of this "pass")

Potluck Pass

Peak east of Potluck Pass ("Peak 13962", sometimes wrongly assumed to be Polemonium Peak)

Thunderbolt and North Palisade

North Palisade

Potluck Pass

The southeastern chute of the North Palisade from the south

Continue: Thunderbolt Peak | U-Notch | North Palisade | Mt Sill

Back to California hikes

(Copyright © 2007 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me