Pictures of Crossing the Kings-Kern Divide

(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

Notes of this trip | Back to California hikes | Pictures of the world
See Milestone Mt for pictures of the route from Roads End to here.

Up the Kern River

Up the Kern River

Up the Kern River

Up the Kern River

Up the Kern River

Up the Kern River

Up the Kern River

Mt Ericsson and Harrison Pass

Mt Stanford

Mt Ericsson and Harrison Pass

Lucy's Pass, Mt Ericsson and Harrison Pass

Mt Stanford and Caltech Peak

Up the Kern River

Table Mt

Table Mt and Thunder Mt



Mt Jordan and Mt Genevra

Mt Genevra

Jordan and Genevra

Jordan and Genevra

All along the Kern River

Milly's Pass

Upper lakes of the Kern River

Mt Genevra and Milly's Pass

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson (Ghost Lake and its neighbors)

Ascending towards the west side of Ericsson

Great Western Divide

Up towards the crest

Mt Ericsson

Milly's Pass

Great Western Divide

Mt Genevra and Milly's Pass

The lakes below

Mt Genevra and Milly's Pass

Mt Ericsson

Up to the crest

Up to the crest

Up towards the crest

Up towards the crest

Up towards the crest

Up towards the crest

Lucy's Pass and Mt Ericsson

Reflection Lake and East Lake from Lucy's Pass

Great Western Divide to Milly's Pass

Looking towards Lake South America (the farthest lake) and Mt Tyndall

Mt Tyndall

At Weyman's chute down to Reflection Lake

At the chute to Reflection Lake

At the chute to Reflection Lake

Lucy's Pass and Mt Ericsson

Ericsson Crags

Ericsson Crags

Reflection Lake from the crest near the chute

Reflection Lake from the crest near the chute

Mt Ericsson

View west to Brewer

Reflection Lake and mountains behind it (Brewer and North Guard are the highest points)

Brewer and North Guard

The chute to Reflection Lake

Top of the chute

Into the chute

Into the chute

Into the chute

Into the chute

Into the chute

Into the chute

Into the chute

Into the chute

The climb to Milly's Pass

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Coasting Reflection Lake

Click here for Weyman's route going up from Lake Reflection

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(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me