Hiking to Mt Leconte and Mt Mallory

(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

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Click here for a more recent Mt Leconte hike

Parking area

The trailhead is off this road hidden in the campground

The trailhead

The trailhead

After five minutes you hit the road again

After five minutes you hit the road again: look for this sign

Towards Meysan Lake

Towards Meysan Lake

Towards Meysan Lake

Towards Meysan Lake

Towards Meysan Lake

Towards Meysan Lake

The only junction: turn right

Towards Meysan Lake

Towards Meysan Lake (Mt Leconte to the left and Mt Mallory to the right)


Towards Meysan Lake

The meadow and end of the trail


Easiest way to reach the lake

Easiest way to reach the lake

Meysan Lake

Meysan Lake

Meysan Lake

The southern wall to the plateau

The southern wall to the plateau

Around the lake

Around the lake

Around the lake

The plateau with LeConte to the left and Mallory to the right

The route to the plateau

The deadly Mallory glacier

The lake from above

The lake from above

Above the cliff

Meysan Lake to Owens Valley

Above the cliff

Above the cliff (coast this peaklet to the left)

The cliff from above

The deadly Mallory glacier

Meysan Lake to Owens Valley

The lower lakes

Inside the chute coasting the snow


The plateau

Green stains

The lakes below

The western wall of the Mallory glacier

The western wall of the Mallory glacier

Owens Valley

Meysan Lake

The plateau

Meysan Lake


The chute from above



The plateau and the unnamed mountain to the south


The lakes below

The chute below

Meysan and Corcoran

Unnamed mountain between Leconte and Mallory





Unnamed mountain

Unnamed mountain



The southwestern chute of Leconte

Plaque to Kyle Ebeling

And you can see why

The groove to move east

Click here for Mt Leconte

Mt Mallory across the plateau

View south

View south

View south

Owens Valley



Unnamed mountain, plateau and Mt Mallory from Leconte

Owens Valley

Towards Mallory

Towards Mallory

Towards Mallory

The plateau and Mt Leconte

Climbing Mt Mallory

Climbing Mt Mallory

Climbing Mt Mallory

The forest to the south

Climbing Mt Mallory

Sky Blue Lake to the south

Lakes to the south

Lakes to the south

Mt Mallory's summit

Mt Mallory's summit

Mt Mallory's summit

Mt Whitney and Russell

Mt Russell

Southern lakes

Meysan lake to Owens Valley

Owens Valley

Great Western Divide in the distance

Great WEstern Divide

Mt Muir?


The way i came

Going down

Going down

Going down

One last view of the route

Waterfall below Meysan Lake





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(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me