From Onion Valley to University Pass to Kearsarge Pass

(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

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The official trail is not much of a trail

View of Onion Valley from the trail

The trail as it dead-ends at Lake Robinson

At Lake Robinson

At Lake Robinson

Lake Robinson

Lake Robinson

The two University passes

The two passes

Your plastic bottles at work (please don't buy plastic)

The rightmost pass (don't do this: it is a stupid idea)


Climbing the rightmost pass

Climbing the rightmost pass

Climbing the rightmost pass

Climbing the rightmost pass

The pass from the rocky ridge to its left

University Peak to the right

The other side: looking south to Mt Keith and (behind it) Mt Williamson

Center Basin to the left

Center Peak and behind it Forrester Pass and behind it Caltech Peak

The two valleys divided by Center Peak (Mt Stanford in the right one)

View northwest

Climbing down the pass

The lake at the bottom

The lake at the bottom

Center Basin all the way to Mt Keith

Another lake in Center Basin

Center Peak

Mt Stanford

A little detour in Center Basin

A little detour in Center Basin

The passes from below

The chutes from below

The passes from below

Center Basin

Center Basin

Mt Keith

Mt Keith

Mt Keith

Center Basin

Mt Keith

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Center Basin

Mt Keith

Looking north

Looking north

Looking south (southern neighbors of Mt Stanford)

Looking south

Looking north

Mt Stanford

The John Muir trail

Center Peak

Looking south (in the middle the fist-like peak)

Crowds on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Heading north on the JMT

Vidette Meadow

Vidette Meadow

Vidette Meadow

Climbing towards the Kearsarge Basin

Climbing towards the Kearsarge Basin

Climbing towards the Kearsarge Basin

Center Peak in the middle






At the basin

At the basin

At the basin

Bullfrog Lake

Bullfrog Lake (Kearsarge Pass is the lowest point you can see on that ridge)

Bullfrog Lake

Bullfrog Lake

Towards Kearsarge Pass

Towards Kearsarge Pass

Towards Kearsarge Pass

Towards Kearsarge Pass

Towards Kearsarge Pass

Towards Kearsarge Pass

Kearsarge Pass

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(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me