Mt Stanford's north ridge from Road's End via East Lake

(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

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From start to end

(Click on the pictures to enlarge them | If you have a high-speed connection, click here for a selection of larger pictures)

From Roads End (Kings Canyon) to the bridges

From Roads End to the bridges

From Roads End to the bridges

From Roads End to the bridges

From Roads End to the bridges

(Multiply by 1.6 to get the distances)

From the bridges to Sphinx Junction

From the bridges to Sphinx Junction

From the bridges to Sphinx Junction

From the bridges to Sphinx Junction

From the bridges to Sphinx Junction

(Multiply by 1.6 to get the distances)

(Multiply by 1.6 to get the distances)

The first bridge

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

The Sphinx

The Sphinx

The canyon

The canyon

The Sphinx

The Sphinx

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

The Sphinx

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction


Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

Towards Sphinx Junction

(Multiply by 1.6 to get the distances)

Sphinx Junction (i'm on a bridge)

Bridge of the Bubbs Creek to go to the Sphinx area

Bubbs Creek

A friendly bear

A friendly bear

A friendly bear

A friendly bear

Towards Charlotte Dome

The Vidette in the distance

The Vidette in the distance

Charlotte Dome on the left

Towards Charlotte Dome

Towards Charlotte Dome

Towards Charlotte Dome

Towards Charlotte Dome

Towards Charlotte Dome

No more bridges...

Towards Charlotte Dome

Towards Charlotte Dome

Charlotte Dome

Charlotte Dome

Charlotte area

Charlotte area

Charlotte area

Charlotte area

The Kearsarge Craigs in the distance

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

Towards Junction Meadow

The spires of Mt Bago

An old gate for horses

Towards Junction Meadow

Mt Bago

An easy place to cross the Bubbs Creek (leave the trail here)

An easy place to cross the Bubbs Creek (cross here)

An easy place to cross the Bubbs Creek

A reference point on the other side


Junction Meadow

(Multiply by 1.6 to get the distances)

Wading the Bubbs Creek at Junction Meadow

The meadows from the other side



Up towards East Lake

The bridge

Mt Bago

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

Towards East Lake

East Lake

Mt Brewer reflected in East Lake

Mt Brewer

Great Western Divide

Mt Brewer

East Lake

East Lake

East Lake

Brewer and North Guard

Brewer and North Guard

Brewer and North Guard

East Lake

Mt Bago behind me

Mt Bago behind me

Mt Bago behind me

In 2015 i left a big cairn where the Harrison Pass trail forks from the Lake Reflection trail

Leaving the trail for Harrison Pass

Leaving the trail for Harrison Pass


East Lake and Mt Bago behind me


Mt Genevra?

Mt Genevra to Mt Jordan

Climbing from East Lake to Lake Ksenya

Climbing from East Lake to Lake Ksenya

Climbing from East Lake to Lake Ksenya





First view of Lucy's Pass

Lucy's Pass to my right

Lucy's Pass on a dry year

Mt Ericsson's north subpeaks

South Guard to Thunder Mt from above Reflection Lake

Looking back to East Lake from the forest above Reflection Lake

From South Guard to North Guard - panorama from above Reflection Lake

First view of Mt Stanford

Lucy's Pass

Mt Stanford in the distance


Lucy's Pass

Mt Deerhorn

Mt Deerhorn

South Guard, Mt Brewer, North Guard

View east

At the meadow

At the meadow

At the meadow

Peak north of Ericsson

Looking back at the meadow

Looking back at the meadow

Entering the Harrison Pass canyon with Mt Ericsson to the right

Towards Harrison Pass

Towards Harrison Pass

The Deerhorn Lakes behind me

Brewer between the two Guards

Towards Harrison Pass

Towards Harrison Pass

Towards Harrison Pass

Brewer and the northwest

Towards Harrison Pass

Towards Harrison Pass

Towards Harrison Pass

The way i came from

Above the rapids

Mt Stanford

Above the wall

Above the wall

Harrison Pass

Mt Stanford

From Mt Stanford to Harrison Pass

Harrison Pass

Closeup of the west face between the summit and Gregory's Monument

North Summit, Rocket, Real Summit

Mt Stanford and the twin lakes

The twin lakes

Routes to Mt Stanford

Second twin lake and Harrison Pass

Mt Stanford

Connection between the two twins

In the glacier

In the glacier

In the glacier

In the glacier

Up towards the north ridge

Peak north of Ericsson and the two lakes

In the glacier

Mt Ericsson to the left

Mt Ericsson

The moraine above the twin lakes

Mt Brewer and North Guard to the west (2015)

The view north towards the Deerhorn lakes (2015)

The view north from the lake at the foot of the saddle (2015)

The lake at the foot of the saddle (2015)

The saddle between Deerhorn and Stanford (2015)

The lake at the foot of the saddle (2015)

Click here for the Harrison Pass route or continue down below for the northern ridge

Mt Stanford

Mt Stanford's north ridge

Harrison Pass

Harrison Pass

Mt Ericsson

Harrison Pass

Mt Stanford

A chute to reach the Deerhorn-Stanford saddle

Mt Ericsson

Mt Brewer in the distance

At the saddle

Mt Ericsson

Mt Stanford from the saddle

Harrison Pass and Mt Ericsson

The Deerhorn-Stanford saddle



Views north

Harrison Pass and Mt Ericsson


View north

The first view of the Great Western Divide to the southwest

Brewer to the northwest

University Peak to the northeast

North of University Peak

Great Western Divide

Harrison Pass and Mt Ericsson

Great Western Divide with Milestone Peak and Midway to the right (and the south side of Mt Ericsson in the foreground)

Route to the West Face chute

Up the north ridge

North Summit from the bottom

Mt Ericsson

Mt Ericsson

Mt Ericsson

Harrison Pass

North Summit, false summit, and the real summit

Ditto, just higher

Entrance to the West Chute


To the North Summit

Down below

To the North Summit

The saddle from above

To the North Summit

To the North Summit

Deerhorn and north

Mt Brewer and east

Mt Ericsson

The glacier down below

The North Summit

The plateau down below

Chute to the top

Chute to the top

The chasm between the north ridge and the east face

The chasm between the north ridge and the east face

The traverse to the summit chute

Milestone Peak

Harrison Pass

University Peak and (to its right) University Pass

Great Western Divide

Towards the summit

View north

The valley where the John Muir trail is and University Peak

Gregory's Monument

Caltech Peak

Center Basin (University Peak, Center Peak and behind it Mt Bradley, all the way to Mt Keith)

University Peak and Center Peak

Looking down from Gregory's Monument

Looking down from Gregory's Monument

The Great Western Divide with Milestone Peak, Midway, Table, etc

Brewer group

Deerhorn and north

View north

Looking back at Gregory's Monument

The summit block

Almost at the top

The route from Gregory's Monument

The summit

Fog from the lakes

The summit register

The north side (from East Lake)

View north to University Pass and Center Peak

View south with Williamson and Whitney

Mt Whitney

Milestone Peak

Mt Williamson in the distance

Whitney and going south

Kaweah/ Great Western Divide 1

Kaweah/ Great Western Divide 2

Kaweah/ Great Western Divide 3

Harrison Pass

The lakes

The "rocket"
Also check the pictures of the same mountain climbed from Harrison Pass
Pictures and video from the summit

Video from Mt Stanford

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(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me