Pictures of Mt Warren to Lundy Lake

(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

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Click here for the first part of the trail

From Mt Dana to Tioga Peak to Gardisky Lake

Location of Gardisky Lake

Oneida Pass

The "saddle"

Oneida Pass to the very left, false western summit and Mt Warren

Saddle from above

The saddle is to the right of the snow

Mt Dana

Towards the southern false summit

Mt Warren

Mono Lake from the false summit

Mt Dana and southwestern Yosemite

Southwestern Yosemite where Mt Lyell is

Gardisky Lake and meadow

Gardisky Lake and meadow and Oneida Pass

Mt Conness and North Peak

Mt Warren

Mt Dana

The blade connecting the false summit to Mt Warren

Northern plateau

False summit from Mt Warren

Mt Warren

Mt Warren

False summit, Mt Dana

White Mountain, Mt Conness, North Peak

Mt Warren

Mt Warren

Mt Warren

Mt Warren

Mt Warren

Mono Lake

Panoramic from Mt Dana to Lundy Canyon

Northern plateau

Northern plateau

Northern plateau

A class-3 chute to Crystal Lake

Lake Oneida

Lake Oneida

Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake and Blue Lake

Lake Oneida

A class-3 chute to Crystal Lake

A class-3 chute to Crystal Lake

Lake Oneida

Lake Oneida

Crystal Lake and Blue Lake

Crystal Lake and Blue Lake

Crystal Lake and Blue Lake

Oneida Pass

Oneida Pass

The Oneida Lake - Lundy Lake "road"

The Oneida Lake - Lundy Lake "road"

The Oneida Lake - Lundy Lake "road"

The Oneida Lake - Lundy Lake "road"

The Oneida Lake - Lundy Lake "road"

Lundy Canyon

The Oneida Lake - Lundy Lake "road"

Waterfall in the Oneida canyon

Lundy Canyon

Lundy Canyon

Lundy Lake


Lundy Lake

Lundy Canyon

Lundy Lake

Lundy Lake

The trailhead at Lundy Lake's dam

The trailhead at Lundy Lake's dam

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(Copyright © 2010 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me