Mt Stanford via Harrison Pass and Gregory's Monument

(Copyright © 2012 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me

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Click here for the first part of this hike (from Roads End to the Mt Stanford basin)
The route

Mt Stanford - routes to the top

Mt Stanford's West Face

Mt Stanford, Harrison Pass and Mt Ercisson

Harrison Pass

The twin lakes behind me

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Climbing Harrison Pass

Mt Ericsson

Harrison Pass

Great Western Divide from Kaweah to Midway (Milestone in the middle)

Lake South America

Gregorys Monument

Harrison Pass and Mt Ericsson

Looking back at the twin lakes

Lake South America and further south

Back where i came from

Back where i came from

Back where i came from

Back where i came from

Harrison Pass

Caltech Peak and to the left in the distance Mt Whitney

Caltech Peak and Lake South America

Gregorys Monument

Mt Williamson in the distance

Gregorys Monument

The twin lakes and the upper lake

Brewer and North Guard

Gregorys Monument

Panorama east

Looking east

On top of Gregorys Monument looking at Mt Stanford's real summit

The exposure

The exposure

To get to the real summit you have to first jump on that chockstone

View north

Panorama of the Great Western Divide

Looking back down

Harrison's pass eastern edge, the unnamed peak (4182m high) and Caltech Peak

The traverse from Gregorys Monument to Mt Stanford's real summit

Mt Ericsson

For the record: west face route to Mt Stanford

Mt Stanford's west face

The western chute to Mt Stanford
Also check the pictures of the same mountain climbed from the North Ridge
Pictures and video from the summit

Video from Mt Stanford

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(Copyright © 2012 Piero Scaruffi)
If you would like the original, high-resolution pictures, contact me