View of the lakes
Disappointment Lake, Western Sierra
The Courtright Reservoir
Fleming Lake
Mountains above Tagore Lake
Three Sisters, Western Sierra
Cliff Lake
The Great Western Divide
The three sisters from Island Lake
From the Race Track to Panamint Sand Dunes, Death Valley (40 kms)
Race Track (east ridge)
Race Track (north and east)
Lake Hill
Panamint sand dunes
At the sand dunes
Lake Hill from a hill to the southeast (the Panamint Sand Dunes are way in the back, a white strip up on the mountain)
Sweeney Ridge, Lindamar, Pedro Summit, Montara Mountain
View of the Bay from Sweeney Ridge
View of the ocean from Sweeney Ridge
Hiker of the Year
This woman who was trying to pass people on "the most
dangerous hike in the world" (according to National Geographic) - Hua Shan in
China. The most interesting thing is the number of locks that have been hung
on the ropes of this "trail". The locks are good-luck charmers. You do need
good-luck charmers on this hike, don't you, not helmets of course.
Animal of the Year
This bear that walked straight towards me on the Bubbs Creek trail in Kings
Canyon, in a place surrounded by thick vegetation and by a deadly cliff, i.e.
no way to escape. I took the picture, then moved slightly out of the collision
route, she passed in front of me and continued totally indifferent to my
presence, and i started breathing again.
The marmot that raced me up Mt Hoffmann: