Beginning of the trail in the May Lake parking lot (multiply by 1.6 to obtain the distance) |
Mt Hoffmann to the left |
Arriving at the campground |
Restrooms with water |
May Lake camp |
May Lake camp |
May Lake camp |
May Lake |
May Lake |
May Lake |
May Lake |
Panorama: May Lake |
Mountains to the east from the first pass |
Mountain to the east |
Descending to the east of the pass |
Descending |
Wildflowers |
Descending |
Wildflowers |
Descending |
Wildflowers |
Wildflowers |
Junction with the trail from Tenaya Lake |
Multiply by 1.6 to obtain the distance |
Multiply by 1.6 to obtain the distance |
Multiply by 1.6 to obtain the distance |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Climbing to the second pass |
Mountain to the northeast |
At the pass |
View from the pass |
The lake on the other side |
The lake on the other side |
View north |
Descending the north side |
Descending the north side |
Descending the north side |
Looking back at the pass |
Descending |
Descending |
Descending |
Descending |
Descending |
View north |
Little lake |
Little lake |
Little lake |
The ridge to the west |
Descending to the river |
Descending to the river |
Descending to the river |
A little lake along the way |
At the river |
At the river |
Crossing the river |
Looking back at the river |
View north |
View north |
Ascending again |
Ascending again |
Ascending again |
Ascending again |
Bristlecone Pine |
Bristlecone Pine |
Ascending again |
View north |
Marmot |
View north |
Another little lake |
The trail |
The first lake of the Ten Lakes basin |
The first lake of the Ten Lakes basin |
The first lake of the Ten Lakes basin |
The first lake of the Ten Lakes basin |
The first lake of the Ten Lakes basin |
The first lake |
Descending to the second lake |
Descending to the second lake |
Descending to the second lake |
Descending to the second lake |
Another lake in the distance |
View of the lakes |
Down to the lakes |
The main lake |
The outlet |
The outlet |
Ascending to the final plateau |
Sign to the third pass |
Sign (same spot) |
Ascending to the final plateau |
Ascending to the final plateau |
Ascending to the final plateau |
The cliffs of the plateau |
Ascending |
View of the lake where the trail started |
Wildflowers |
View of the lakes |
Mt Conness? |
Mt Dana? |
Views of the lakes |
Views of the lakes |
Views of the lakes |
Two lakes |
One lake |
View of the lakes |
View northeast |
The higher hidden lake |
Last view of the main lake |
The plateau above the third pass |
The plateau above the third pass |
The plateau of the third pass |
Sign at the top |
Grant Lake (2,900 meters) |
Grant Lake |
Grant Lake |
Grant Lake |
View east |
View east |
View east |
Ten Lakes trailhead (multiply by 1.6 to obtain the distances) |
You can continue to Yosemite Valley |
Ten Lakes trailhead parking lot |
Ten Lakes trailhead parking lot |