Parking area |
The trailhead is off this road hidden in the campground |
The trailhead |
The trailhead |
After five minutes you hit the road again |
After five minutes you hit the road again: look for this sign |
Towards Meysan Lake |
Towards Meysan Lake |
Towards Meysan Lake |
Towards Meysan Lake |
Towards Meysan Lake |
Towards Meysan Lake |
The only junction: turn right |
Towards Meysan Lake |
Towards Meysan Lake (Mt Leconte to the left and Mt Mallory to the right) |
Waterfalls before the first lake |
LeConte (top left) and Mallory (top right) |
Leave the trail and ascend towards the sphinx rock |
The lower Meysan Lake from above |
Dead Bristlecone tree |
Dead Bristlecone tree |
Dead bristlecone tree |
Dead bristlecone tree |
Not Mt Irvine |
Western slopes of the lower Meysan lake |
The first false summit |
The lower Meysan Lake from above |
The lower Meysan Lake from above |
Mt Mallory (left) and false summit |
Peaks of Mt Mallory |
Towards the false summit |
Towards the false summit |
Towards the false summit |
Mt Whitney and Russell |
Mt LeConte |
Mt LeConte and upper Meysan lake |
First false summit |
Lone Pine Peak? |
Lower Meysan Lake |
Consultation Lake and Mt Whitney |
Whitney's mountaineering route |
Owen's Valley |
Whitney and Russell |
Russell and Carillion |
Whitney's mountaineering route |
Looking down from the first false summit |
The first false summit |
The second false summit |
The real summit is barely visiblt in the background |
Another false summit |
Another false summit |
Consultation lake and the switchbacks of the Whitney trail |
Where we came from |
Following the ridge |
The real summit |
The real summit |
Mt LeConte and Mallory |
Arc Pass and Mt McAdie |
Mt LeConte and behind it Mt Langley |
View from Langley to McAdie |
View North with Great Western Divide, Whitney and Williamson |
Mt Irvine from Mt Russell |
The route viewed from Mt Russell |