Thomas Bayrle
"American Dream" (1970)
"Feuer im Weizen/ Fire in Wheat" (set of 8) , 1970
"Feuer im Weizen/ Fire in Wheat" (set of 8) , 1970
"Anarchy in Construction (graue Version)" (1971)
"Rimini II" (1974)
"Belgien" (1985)
"Rosenkranz" (2009), kinetic sculpture
"Carmageddon / Motorway" (2012)
"Carmageddon" (2012), detail
"Conducteur Galaxy Wiper" (2012), kinetic sculpture
"Agnelli in Fiat Jungle" (1972)
"Agnelli in Fiat Jungle" (1972), detail
"Wire Madonna" (2016), steel rendition of the "Madonna and Child"
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