Patricia Piccinini
"Embryo" (2016)
"Atlas" (2012)
"Altocumulous" (2006)
"Crimson Flux" (2013)
"Joined Figure" (2016)
"Osculating Curve" (2016)
"Osculating Curve" (2016)
"Boat Flower" (2015)
"Swarm" (2014)
"Swarm" (2014)
"To fall in such a way" (2012) and "The gradual accumulation of mass" (2012)
"The Rookie" (2015)
"The Rookie" (2015)
"The Comforter" (2010)
"The Comforter" (2010)
"The Comforter" (2010)
"Egg Head" (2016)
"Egg Head" (2016)
"Boat Flower" (2015)
"Boat Flower" (2015)
"Joined Figure" (2016)
"Joined Figure" (2016)
"Joined Figure" (2016)
"Joined Figure" (2016)
"Joined Figure" (2016)
"Atlas" (2012)
"Atlas" (2012)
"Atlas" (2012)
"Atlas" (2012)
"The Young Family 4" (2002)
"Undivided" (2004)
"Undivided" (2004)
"Undivided" (2004)
"Undivided" (2004)
A girl playing with organs
Dwarf 2004
Dwarf 2004
Dwarf 2004
"The Long Awaited" (2008)
"Bottom Feeder" (2009)
Woman with children
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