a book written by Piero Scaruffi and Jinxia Niu A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of peace technology, defined as the technology for increasing positive engagement between individuals, groups, nations.... How to build technology that improves collaboration... Neurobiology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Computer Science, Physics, Evolutionism... What kind of technology can help humans improve their social lives? How should humans interact with the technology that they built? Philosophers spent centuries analyzing the relationship of the individual with herself, with her society, and with her natural world, but only recently have we started to think about our relationship with the artificial world that we created. We interact more and more often with this artificial world, less and less frequently with the natural world, and also less and less frequently with other humans. Making sure that this artificial world (made of technology) fulfills our ethical goals is becoming a top priority. Multiple scientific disciplines have actually conducted research on aspects that can help us to shape and control the technology of our artificial world, but we still don't have a discipline that integrates all that research. Technology changes our lifestyles and possibly our very minds (the concept of "mind change").
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