Friedrich Nietzsche:

"The Anti-Christ" (1888)

(Copyright © 2014 Piero Scaruffi | Legal restrictions )
This book is just one long rant against Christiniaty, or, better, Christian pity, that he views as the ideology of the weak to oppress the strong. "Good" is anything that enhances the "will to power" ("not peace at any price but war", "the weak and the botched shall perish"). The Christian god is the deity of the sick. And in any case he thinks that true Christianity died on the cross when Jesus was crucified. St Paul founded another Christianity, which was an ideology of revenge by the weak over the strong. What humanity needs is not equal rights but unequal rights. "Bad" is what "proceeds from weakness, envy and revenge". He also attacks Buddhism, whereas he praises the Jews ("the most remarkable people in the history of the world") and Islam (that "presupposes men" and owes its origin to "manly instincts"). Christianity, instead, is a force opposed to life. He praises Frederick the second for waging war against the Pope and allying with the Muslims. He also curses the Germans, namely Luther, for having destroyed the Renaissance, which he sees as an attempt to recover the glorious values of ancient Rome and Greece. Nietzche aims for a "transvaluation of all values".