Classics of PsychologyHistory pages | History of Knowledge | Editor | Correspondence (Copyright © 2012 Piero Scaruffi) |
Charles Bonnet: "Essay on Psychology" (1754) William Cullen: "First Lines of the Practice of Physic" (1777) Jean-Baptiste Pussin (a mental-asylum doctor whose method influences Pinel) Philippe Pinel: "Treatise on Insanity" (1801) Pierre Cabanis: "On the Relations Between the Physical and Moral Aspects of Man" (1802) Jean-Etienne Esquirol: "The Passions Considered as Causes, Symptoms and Means of Cure in cases of Insanity' (1805) Immanuel Kant: "Critique of Pure Reason" (1781) Johann-Christian Reil: "Rhapsodies about applying the psychological method of treatment to mental breakdowns" (1803) Maine de Biran: "Essay on the Fundamentals of Psychology" (1812) Spencer, Herbert: "Principles of Psychology" (1855) Helmholtz, Hermann: "Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik" (1867) Brentano, Franz: PSYCHOLOGY FROM AN EMPIRICAL STANDPOINT (1874) Wundt, Wilhelm: "Principles of Physiological Psychology" (1874) Ebbinghaus, Hermann: "Memory" (1885) James, William: PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY (1890) Dewey, John: "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology" (1896) Titchener, Edward: "Outline of Psychology." (1896) Freud, Sigmund: The Interpretation of Dreams (1900) Shaler, Nathaniel: "The Individual - A Study of Life and Death" (1901) Rank, Otto: "The Myth of the Birth of the Hero" (1909) Thorndike, Edward: ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE (1911) Adler, Alfred: "Individual Psychology" (1911) Jung, Carl: "Psychology of the Unconscious" (1912) Selz, Otto: "On the Laws of the Orderly Thought Process" (1913) Sapir, Edward: LANGUAGE (1921) Kohler, Wolfgang: "The Mentality of Apes" (1925) Watson, John: "Psychology as Behavior" (1913) Piaget, Jean: "The Language and Thought of the Child" (1923) Pavlov, Ivan: "Conditioned Reflexes" (1926) Lashley, Karl: "Brain Mechanisms And Intelligence" (1930) Bartlett, Frederic-Charles: REMEMBERING (1932) Tolman, Edward: PURPOSIVE BEHAVIOR IN ANIMALS AND MEN (1932) Vygotsky, Lev: "Thought and Language" (1934) Koffka, Kurt: "Principles of Gestalt Psychology" (1935) Reich, Wilhelm: "Sexuality in the Culture War" (1936) Horney, Karen: "The Neurotic Personality of Our Time" (1937) Skinner, Burrhus: "The Behavior of Organisms" (1938) Goldstein, Kurt: THE ORGANISM - A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO BIOLOGY (1939) Maslow, Abraham: "A Theory of Human Motivation" (1943) Hull, Clark: "Principles of Behavior" (1943) Viktor Frankl: "Man's Search for Meaning" (1946) Hebb, Donald: THE ORGANIZATION OF BEHAVIOR (1949) Hovland, Carl: "Experiments on Mass Communication" (1949) Miller, George: "Language and Communication" (1951) Penfield, Wilder: "Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain" (1954) Fromm, Erich: "The Sane Society" (1955) Marcuse, Herbert: "Eros and Civilization" (1955) Eissler, Kurt: "The Psychiatrist and The Dying Patient" (1955) Bruner Jerome: A STUDY OF THINKING (Wiley, 1956) Whorf, Benjamin-Lee: LANGUAGE, THOUGHT AND REALITY (1956) Festinger, Leon: "A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance" (1957) Osgood, Charles: "The Measurement of Meaning" (1957) Chomsky, Noam: SYNTACTIC STRUCTURES (1957) Broadbent, Donald: PERCEPTION AND COMMUNICATION (Pergamon, 1958) Kohlberg, Lawrence: "The Development of Modes of Thinking and Choices in Years 10 to 16" (1958) Brown, Norman: "Life Against Death" (1959) Laing, Ronald: The Divided Self (1960) George Miller, Eugene Galanter, and Karl Pribram: "Plans and the Structure of Behavior (1960) James Taylor: "The Behavioral Basis of Perception" (1962) Hamilton, William: "The Genetic Evolution of Social Behavior" (1963) Rheingold, Joseph: "The Mother, Anxiety, and Death: the Catastrophic Death Complex" (1967) Neisser, Ulric: Cognitive Science (1967) Harrington, Alan: "The Immortalist" (1969) Trivers, Robert: "The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism" (1971) Tulving, Endel: ORGANIZATION OF MEMORY (Academic Press, 1972) Don Norman & Peter Lindsay: "Human Information Processing" (1972) Allen Newell & Herbert Simon: "Human Problem Solving" (1972) Becker, Ernest: "The Denial of Death" (1973) Kahneman, Daniel & Tversky, Amos "On the Psychology of Prediction" (1973) Baddeley, Alan: "Working Memory" (1974) Matte Blanco, Ignacio: "The Unconscious as Infinite Sets" (1975) Wilson, Edward Osborne: "Sociobiology" (1975) Sperry, Roger: "A Unifying Approach To Mind And Brain" (1976) Nelson, Katherine: LANGUAGE IN COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT (1996) Jaynes, Julian: THE ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BREAKDOWN OF THE BICAMERAL MIND (1977) Rosch, Eleanor: COGNITION AND CATEGORIZATION (1978) Lakoff, George: METAPHORS WE LIVE BY (1980) Gregory, Richard: MIND IN SCIENCE (1981) Gazzaniga, Michael: SOCIAL BRAIN (1985) Ornstein, Robert: MULTIMIND (1986) Hameroff, Stuart: ULTIMATE COMPUTING (1987) Greenfield, Patricia: LANGUAGE, TOOLS, AND BRAIN (1991) Lazarus, Richard: EMOTION AND ADAPTATION (1991) Karmiloff-Smith Annette: BEYOND MODULARITY (1992) Cosmides, Leda & Tooby, John: THE ADAPTED MIND (1992) Fauconnier, Gilles: MENTAL SPACES (1994) Pinker, Steven: THE LANGUAGE INSTINCT (1994) Dunbar, Robin: GROOMING, GOSSIP AND THE EVOLUTION OF LANGUAGE (1996) Blackmore, Susan: THE MEME MACHINE (1999) Gopnik, Alison: THE PHILOSOPHICAL BABY (2009) |