All Men are Rapists
- Rape was so common in ancient times that most likely each of us has the genes of at least one rapist
- This may also explain why sex is so appealing to modern humans
- After all, sex is a bodily function that is not much more noble than eating and defecating
- Natural selection rewarded those who were obsessed with sex, i.e. the rapists: they are the ones who populated the world, and today's men have the genes of that sex obsession
- Natural selection does not necessarily favor traits that are morally good: natural selection favors traits that improve reproductive success
- Each of us descends from at least one successful rapist, and has, in part, the rape instinct
- Your brain has a circuit that wants you to rape women
- This also explains why human societies have not been able to put an end to rape the way we put an end to, say, slavery
- Rape has often been crucial for ethnic cleansing, to subjugate conquered peoples and to spread religions
- Rape was punished within a tribe/nation but used as a weapon against other tribes/nations
- Rape was used to stabilize a society while that society was expanding and incorporating other societies
- Rape was banned in order to stabilize a society when that society stopped expanding and was more interested in consolidating
- The human psyche has been shaped by many specialized adaptations
- The wider availability of abortion may be the most efficient tool yet to eliminate the genes of rape from the human population, i.e. to foster natural selection of a non-raping race