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Political Analyses of 2016

Heroes of the year:
  • The whistleblower who published the "Panama papers"
  • Environmental activists Berta Caceres and Lesbia Yaneth Urquia, both murdered in Honduras
  • US senator John McCain, who called Vladimir Putin "a thug, a bully, and a murderer," adding that "anyone who describes him as anything else is lying."

December 2016:
USA: Why Trump also means hope
USA: Protest and Boycott
Russia and the USA have more in common than they would like to admit
November 2016:
USA: My thoughts after the election
USA: My final thoughts on the 2016 presidential election
October 2016:
USA: The three epic campaigns of Donald Trump
The Most Dangerous People in the World
September 2016:
Syria: Aleppo, Russia and the West
USA: Let Silicon Valley stop North Korea
August 2016:
USA: Let's make America Ridiculous like Never Before
July 2016:
Turkey's coup
Britain: The Brexit farce
USA: Civil War: the real weapons of mass destruction
June 2016:
Britain: Brexit is a good thing for everybody
Britain: Globalization ends here
USA: Pardon the heroes
World: Another Aviation Mystery
May 2016:
Japan: Obama in Hiroshima
USA: Democracy's Apocalypse
April 2016:
USA: No Justice in the Justice System of the USA
March 2016:
February 2016:
World: Enemies of the People
January 2016:
USA: What Donald Trump represents
USA: The US politicians terrorizing the world

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