The Jews in the Christian world

World News | Politics | History | Editor

(Copyright © 2014 Piero Scaruffi)

  • Jews sometimes demanded to live in separate quarters
  • Jews were mainly traders and financiers
  • In medieval times Jews constituted the main economic link between the Islamic and Christian worlds, operating as far as China
  • After the Crusades the Knights Templar of Jerusalem become the first Christian bankers and make the Jews less relevant for Europe
  • Jews banned from universities (create their own schools)
  • Jews persecuted (continuous emigrations, mainly towards Eastern Europe)
  • Persecutions led by Franciscan and Dominican friars (the most educated Christians)
  • Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 are welcome in the Ottoman Empire and help the Ottomans wage war against the Christian powers
  • Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 move to Italy
  • Poland becomes the safest country for Jews (150,000 Jews out of seven million people in 1575)
  • Jews move into the underdeveloped lands of Eastern Europe (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine) and develop them
  • Food-supply chain of Eastern Europe: andowners were (Polish) Christians, port managers were (German) Protestants, ship owners were (Dutch) Calvinists, Jews funded and ran the food-producing estates
  • Legend of the "Wandering Jew" (first published in 1223 in Italy but boom of books in the 16th c)
  • Jews accepted oppression and discrimination as long as it came with stable, definite rules
  • Jews welcomed segregation (meant to protect Christians from Jewish influence) when it protected them from persecution (and from un-Jewish secular lifestyles)
  • The Reformation eliminates the friars (the Jews' main enemies) from Protestant countries
  • After the Reformation Jews are welcome based on their usefulness
  • Jews help fund the big European wars (Thirty Year War, Austro-Turkish wars) supplying all the powers
  • Vienna saved from the Ottomans (1683) by Samuel Oppenheimer who equips the Austrian troops
  • William of Orange invades Britain (1688) with money from Lopez Suasso
  • Jewish loans finance the great projects of the new nation states
  • Christians think Jews crucified the son of god
  • Muslims think Jews sin for rejecting Mohammed (but did not crucify him)
  • Christians and Jews have different traditions (circumcision, diet, etc)
  • Arabs and Jews have similar traditions (circumcision, diet, etc
  • The 1492 expulsion from Spain seen as the prodrome to the coming of the Messiah
  • Between 1500 and 1530 several false Messiahs
  • Legend of the Golem (that comes to life when God’s secret name is pronounced)
  • The greater the tragedies affecting the Jews, the greater the belief in the imminent coming of the Messiah
  • Excitement peaks after the 1648 pogroms
  • 1665: Shabbetai Zevi announced as the Messiah in Gaza (forced to convert to Islam by the Ottomans!)
  • 1648: Following the massacres in Poland-Ukraine, Jews resettle in the West
  • 1649: Puritans (filo-Jewish) seize power in England
  • 1655: England de facto readmits Jews
  • 1688: Most stock brokers are Jewish
  • 1664: New Amsterdam falls to the British (New York) that grants freedom of worship
  • The USA is the first country in which Jews achieve full integration with the other religious groups
  • 1776: The USA is the first (non-Israeli) country in which Jews are not vulnerable (they are protected by the constitution)
  • 1792: Jews help set up the New York Stock Exchange
  • Jewish bankers benefit from the financial needs of the wars of the Napoleonic age
  • 1806: Napoleon recognizes Jews as French citizens
  • 1812: Prussia emancipates the Jews
  • 1815: Jewish bankers well positioned to take advantage of the peace (e.g. Rothschilds)
  • Demise of the ghetto
  • Jews criticized for their financial innovations, but slowly society accepts them
  • Jews pioneer advertising and marketing
  • Jews specialize in low-quality low-price products for the masses
  • Jews open general stores that sell everything
  • Jews de facto pioneer the economy of scale
  • Jews dedicated to education (printing presses and libraries in every ghetto)
  • Many Jews convert to Christianity in order to be accepted in society
  • 1827: Britain protects Jews who settle in Palestine
  • 1848-70: Emancipation of Jews in various regions of Italy
  • 1858: Jews are admitted to the British parliament
  • 1866: Jews outnumber Muslims in Jerusalem
  • 1868: Benjamin Disraeli (a Jew converted to Christianity) becomes prime minister of Britain
  • 1910: Edwin-Samuel Montagu is appointed undersecretary of state for India and champions India’s independence
  • Pseudo-scientific theories of Jewish racial inferiority
  • Joseph de Rabineau’s “Essai sur l’Inegalite des Races Humaines” (1853)
  • Ernst Renan’s “Vie de Jesus” (1863)
  • Jews are successful despite being inferior because there is a “Jewish conspiracy”
  • “Panama scandal” in France (1892) exposes a financial network of Jews
  • Alfred Dreyfus affair (1894-1906), won by the Dreyfusard (pro and anti Dreyfus salons in
  • Boom of Jewish population in France (120,000 refugees from Russia after 1881)
  • French Jews at the vanguard of ballet (Ballets Russes), painting (Chagall, Modigliani, Pissarro), philosophy (Bergson)
  • The European population of Jews increases from two million to seven million between 1800-80
  • Largest Jewish communities in 1880: Warszaw (150,000), Odessa (100,000), Vienna (50,000), Budapest (50,000), Berlin (50,000)
  • Notable exception: Russia scientifically persecutes Jews (especially in 1881)
  • 1881-1906: More than one million Jews leave Russia
  • 1881-1914: More than two million Jews emigrate to the USA
  • German Jews are the best assimilated in Europe
  • Converted Jews: Heinrich Heine, Karl Marx (anti-Semitic), Gustav Mahler
  • Boom of Yiddish
  • German Jews at the vanguard of science (Einstein, Freud), of music (Schoenberg), literature (Kafka, Broch, Doeblin, Zweig), theater (Schnitzler), cinema
  • Germany is the cultural center of Jewish intellectual life
  • German is the official language of Zionist congresses
  • Richard Wagner: “The Jewish race is the born enemy of humanity”
  • Wilhelm Marr founds the Anti-Semitic League (1879)
  • First International Anti-Jewish Congress (1882)
  • 1881: First exodus (“aliyah”) of Russian Jews towards Palestine
  • 1881: Eliezer ben Yehuda migrates to Palestine and adopts Hebrew as his family’s language (first Hebrew-speaking household since antiquity)
  • 1896: Theodor Herzl’s “Der Judenstaat”
  • Jews can end their exile by themselves
  • An independent Jewish state in Palestine is the best protection against Christian anti-semitism
  • 1897: Zionism: the Jewish goal shifts from assimilation in the Christian world to establishment of a Jewish homeland
  • Theodor Herzl’ “Der Judenstaat” (1896)
  • Herzl views Britain as the sponsor of a Jewish homeland in Palestine
  • The Rothschilds run the Jewish colonies in Palestine
  • 1904: Second exodus (“aliyah”) of Russian Jews towards Palestine
  • 1909: First kibbutz in Palestine
  • 1911: To counter British influence, France supports the creation of Al Fatah in Paris
  • World War I
  • Jews fight in the German army against Russia (their mortal enemy) and in Poland hail German troops as liberators
  • Defeat of the Ottomans and victory of the British opens opportunity for a Jewish state in Palestine
  • After 1917 (collapse of Russia and British conquest of Palestine), Jews turn to the British as their protectors (“Balfour Declaration”)
  • 1914: 5.5 million Jews live in Russia, 2.5 in Austria-Hungary, 4 million in the USA
  • 1917: 100,000 Jews live in Palestine (out of a total of 600,000 people)
  • 1920: 1.6 million Jews live in New York
  • 1922: Jews are 11% of Palestine's 750,000 inhabitants (British census). More than 300,000 Jews arrive in the next 15 years.
  • 1925: 4.5 million Jews live in the USA
  • Jews associated with Bolsheviks:
  • Dreyfusards in France
  • Karl Marx in Germany
  • Leon Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Rykov, Radek in Russia (1917)
  • Bela Kun in Hungary (1919)
  • Kurt Eisner in Bavaria (1918)
  • Rosa Luxemburg in Berlin (1919)
  • Leon Blum in France (1936)
  • Jews organize the communist parties in Germany, Poland and Romania
  • The anti-Semitic reprisals for the activities of politicized Jews hit the non-political Jews
  • “Red Scare” of 1919 in the USA targets Jews as Bolsheviks
  • Jews create modern entertainment in the USA:
  • Broadway, radio and tv shows
  • Amusement arcades
  • Nickelodeons
  • Hollywood (six of the big eight were Jewish)
  • German cinema and theater
  • 1920: British mandate over Palestine
  • 1921: Mohammed Amin al-Husseini’s campaign against Jews and Arab moderates
  • Anti-Semitism in Germany
  • Between 1870 and 1933 Germany was the best educated nation in the world
  • First country to achieve universal adult literacy
  • Best universities in the world in most disciplines
  • Berlin is the cultural capital of the world until 1933, followed by Vienna
  • Until 1933 Germany won more Nobel Prizes than any other nation (about one third to Jews)
  • German ascent as a power paralleled Jewish ascent as a powerful class within Germany
  • Germany, 1930s: Jews represent 16% of lawyers, 11% of doctors, 2.6% of teachers
  • Greatest success of anti-Semitic theories is among German students
  • Jews are viewed as Bolsheviks
  • Biggest crime the Jews are accused of: kidnapping German culture (“Kulturbolschewismus”)
  • Jewish philosophers (Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Erich Fromm) are Leftists
  • Great Depression blamed on Jews (1929)
  • Adolf Hitler (1933) blames all German problems on Jews
  • Dual policy of persecution: lawless gang violence and discriminatory state laws
  • As the German economy recovers, the Jewish economic power is scientifically destroyed
  • Business collaborates with Hitler, profiting from the persecution of Jews (especially banks)
  • Ordinary people silent
  • World War II (1939) blamed on the Jews
  • German war operations paralleled by giant bureaucracy to kill Jews, as if the latter helped winning the former
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union (1941) justified to destroy the center of Jewish-Bolshevik aggression
  • Hitler’s regime kills six million of the nine million Jews living in German-occupied territories (3.3 million in Poland alone)
  • Killing the Jews becomes detrimental to winning the war
  • Massive waste of resources to carry out the deportations, jailing and killings
  • Loss of highly-skilled Jewish workers
  • Highly educated Jews join the enemy
  • Mobilization of world Jews to fight Hitler
  • Jews oppose minimal resistance
  • Century-old experience that resistance is more likely to increase rather than decrease the number of deaths
  • Militant Jews were more interested in emigrating to Palestine than fighting Hitler
  • Germans devised elaborate deceptions in order not to alarm Jews
  • Devout Jews believed that it was God’s design, that it was martyrdom to fulfil God’s plan
  • Austria contributed disproportionately to the SS and to the deportations
  • Romania was more brutal than Germany in the extermination campaign (they also tortured and raped)
  • France (preexisting anti-Semitism, eg Celine’s “Bagatelle pour un massacre” of 1937, plus Vichy regime’s collaboration)
  • Britain and the USA tolerated the extermination campaign
  • Fear of mass Jewish emigration to Anglo-saxon countries
  • Anti-Semitic sentiment of USA leaders (president Franklin Roosevelt even justified German grievances against the Jews, general George Patton called them “lower than animals”)
  • Agreement with Jewish leaders that defeating Hitler was the best way to help the Jews
  • Notable exception: Italy
  • Jews widespread in the government (two prime ministers in 1906 and 1910), army (first Jewish general in 1888) and even in the Fascist Party
  • Ordinary Italians frustrate German raids to arrest Jews despite retaliations against civilians
  • Reasons for Jewish persecutions over the centuries
  • Indifference towards national borders
  • Indifference towards the plights of gentiles
  • Higher learning, thus preeminence in business, technology, science, arts
  • Gospels accused Jews of killing God
  • Between the two world wars Jews are considered responsible for both communist and capitalist conspiracies (most of the communist leaders in Europe are Jews, many bankers and businessmen are Jews)
  • The massacres of 1492 led Jews to colonize Eastern Europe and amass huge fortunes
  • The massacres of 1648 led to the return of Jews to Britain and to America
  • The massacres of 1881 and 1906 led to Zionist migration to Palestine
  • The massacres of World War II led to the creation of Israel
  • Jews in Palestine
  • Three Zionist strategies
  • Chaim Weizmann: obtain Palestine from Britain through diplomacy
  • Ben Gurion (the Haganah): win the war against Hitler first
  • Menachem Begin (the Irgun): use terrorism to drive Britain out of Palestine
  • Terror campaign works: Britain leaves, but it also leaves the Jews unprotected against the Arab armies
  • Creation of Israel
  • Jews are a minority used to be conquered and ruled
  • Arabs are a majority used to conquer and rule
  • Arabs refuse to negotiate
  • Israel goes from 20% of Palestine (1937 partition plan) to 50% (1947 partition plan)
  • The anti-Semitic Roosevelt dies and is succeeded by filo-Semitic Truman who pushes for the United Nations to recognize Israel and an Arab Palestine
  • USA oil companies oppose the creation of Israel
  • The Soviet Union supports the creation of Israel in order to weaken Britain (first country to recognize Israel, and Czechoslovakia arms Israel)
  • First Arab-Israeli war
  • “This will be a war of extermination” (Azzam Pasha, secretary-general of the Arab League)
  • Israel obtains 80% of Palestine
  • 650,000 Arabs leave Palestine
  • 567,000 Jews are expelled from Arab countries (1948-57)
  • Arabs again refuse to negotiate
  • Permanent threat from the Arabs transforms Israel from a pacifist, socialist utopia into a militaristic state
  • 1953: Nasser allies with the Soviet Union and the Arab-Israeli conflict becomes part of the Cold War
  • 1956: Second Arab-Israeli war: Israel conquers Sinai and Gaza
  • 1967: Third Arab-Israeli war: Israel conquers Jerusalem, West Bank and Golan Heights
  • 1973: Fourth war: status quo
  • The Arabs can afford to lose many wars, Israel cannot afford to lose one
  • Growing economic importance of oil-producing Arab countries isolates Israel on the world scene
  • Population of Israel grows from 650,000 in 1947 to 3 million in 1972 (685,000 immigrants only in the first three years)
  • Melting pot: Russians, Eastern Europeans, Western Europeans, Arabs, Ethiopians, Indians...
  • Hebrew is the unifying force
  • Largest Jewish communities: USA (almost six million), Soviet Union (almost two million)
  • For the first time 50% of Jews live in the Americas (6.6 million out of 13.5 million)
  • See also:
    Ancient (biblical) Hebrews
    Persecution of the Jews

    World News | Politics | History | Editor
    (Copyright © 1999 Piero Scaruffi)