A timeline of Persecution of the JewsWorld News | Politics | History | Editor(Copyright © 2014 Piero Scaruffi) |
See the Ancient History of the Hebrews for the events before the birth of Jesus 7th c: Visigoths massacre Jews and force them to convert to Christianity 711: Jews help Muslims invade Spain 1096: Pogroms in France and Germany during the first Crusade 1215: Anti-Jewish code of the Lateran Council 1278: Mass arrests of Jews in England 1290: England expels all Jews 1421: Mass expulsion of Jews from Austria 1442: Mass expulsion of Jews from Bavaria 1481: Dominicans set up the Spanish Inquisition that burns hundreds of Jews in the next twelve years 1489: Expulsion of Jews from Milano 1492: Mass expulsion of Jews from Spain after the Christian "Reconquista" 1494: Expulsion of Jews from Firenze 1495: Mass expulsion of Jews from Poland and Lithuania 1497: Mass expulsion of Jews from Portugal 1516: Venezia decides to confine the Jews in a "ghetto" (2,400 Jews out of a population of 98,000) and charge them special taxes 1518: Ottomans massacre Jews in Hebron 1541: Jews expelled from Napoli 1557: The Pope creates a ghetto for Jews in Roma 1597: Expulsion of Jews from Milano 16th c: Russian czar Ivan the Terrible orders to drown Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity 1648: Thousands of Jews are massacred by peasants in Poland-Ukraine 1756 Voltaire writes that Jews are “a totally ignorant nation” 1770 Holbach writes that Jews are “the enemies of the human race” 1791: Russia confines Jews to Pale of Settlement 1819: “Hep Hep” riots in Germany 1881-1906: More than one million Jews leave Russia 1871: Pogrom in Odessa, Ukraine 1881: Pogroms and mass expulsion in Russia 1887: Theodor Fritsch’s “Anti-semitic Catechism” 1898: anti-Semitic riots in Paris and Algiers 1904: Pogroms in Russia 1905: Pogrom again in Odessa, Ukraine 1915: William Simmons founds the Ku Klux Klan in the USA 1917: 70,000 Jews murdered by the Mensheviks in Ukraine 1919: Judaism is banned in the Soviet Union 1919: Mensheviks hold Jews responsible for communism and kill 100,000 1921: 43 Jews killed in riots in Palestine 1924: Hitler’s “Mein Kampft” 1929: Arab mobs kill 133 Jews in Palestine 1930s: Jews are among the main victims of Stalin’s purges 1933: “Krystallnacht” in Germany 1933: First concentration camp at Dachau 1936: Arabs massacre almost all the Jews in Hebron 1937: Celine’s “Bagatelle pour un massacre” 1938: German Jews are expelled from schools and lose driver licenses 1939: The first gas chamber opens in Brandenburg 1941: The German “Einsatzgruppen” (mobile killing troops) kill more than one million Jews in one year throughout Russia and Ukraine 1941: Romanians massacre 200,000 Jews in Bessarabia and burn 30,000 alive in occupied Odessa (Ukraine) 1944: Romanians massacre 217,000 Jews in Transnistria (mostly from Russia) 1945: Of the nine million Jews in German-controlled territory, about six million have been exterminated (two million at Auschwitz, 1.4 million at Majdanek, 800 thousand at Treblinka, 600 thousand at Belzec) |
Jews in the Islamic WorldJews in the Christian worldClick here |
(Copyright © 2014 Piero Scaruffi) |