- (september 2007)
Six years later
- Osama bin Laden has not been captured yet, despite the promise made by George W Bush four years ago to capture him. Osama has in fact become a legend for millions of young Muslims who see him as winning the war against the USA, from Iraq to Afghanistan.
- The Taliban still control areas of Afghanistan, and seem to control some areas of Pakistan, where Al Qaeda can train and plot in relative freedom. The leader of the Taliban (Mullah Omar) has never been captured.
- Saudi Arabia and the other sponsors of the Taliban and Al Qaeda have paid virtually no price for the 2001 attacks. Only Saddam Hussein (Iraq) has paid a (very high) price, but no terrorist was from Iraq.
- A huge shroud of secrecy still surrounds the investigation of the 2002 terrorist attacks. Almost everything they told us about Osama was false. There were no high-tech bunkers, there were no modern weapons. Osama's followers brought down the World Trade Center with knives. We now know that Osama Bin Laden was not the mastermind of the attacks Khalid has. (See Khalid, not Osama, did it). Khalid has been arrested by the USA, but the news media have been forbidden to interview him. What we know of him (a decadent lifestyle) does not sound very Islamic. We do not know what the prisoners held in Guantanamo are telling ( What's the secret all about?).
- We still do not know who speculated on airline stocks in the days preceding the September 11 attacks.
- We still do not know who carried out the anthrax attacks in the weeks following September 11. That person is still at large, just like Osama. (The scientist who was named as a possible suspect was innocent and eventually
sued the government for defamation)
- The Islamic world still does not believe anything of what the US is telling them.
- The USA still relies on airplanes for mass transportation, i.e. it the USA economy is as vulnerable as it was in 2001. There hasn't been even the slightest effort to develop a significant network of fast land connections (such as the bullet trains that are common in Japan, France and Germany).
- Most of the jihadists have moved to Iraq, where they are routinely slaughtered by USA forces. They inflict heavy casualties on Iraqi civilians, who are, ironically, Muslims, but very few casualties on (non-Muslim) foreigners.
- No terrorist attack has been carried out in six years in the USA. This contrasts with what has happened in Europe, India, Russia, Indonesia and the Arab countries (five places where terrorists have been more, not less, successful). It is a mystery why something as easy as a suicide bombing has not happened in the USA since 2001. If tens of thousands of fanatic Muslims want "death to America" (their favorite slogan), what keeps them from entering the USA through the unguarded border with Mexico and blowing themselves up in shopping malls. stadiums, amusement parks, casinos, etc?
- The real beneficiaries of the 2001 terrorist attacks have been the friends of the Bush administration, who have received billions of dollars under the pretense of Homeland Security. Around Washington it is shamelessly called the "Al Qaeda economy". It created 185,000 new jobs in the Washington area alone.
TM, ®, Copyright © 2005 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
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- (October 2006)
What Al Jazeera and Fox News have in common.
That the media are not reliable sources of information has been known since
media were invented. That some media are biased towards a specific ideology
is also not knew. But two networks have been immensely successful by, basically,
spreading lies and exaggerating facts: Al Jazeera in the Middle East and
Fox News in the USA.
All media create public opinion, but these networks are unique in deliberately
using "lies" on a large scale in order to create a "hostile" public opinion.
Their distortion of the facts goes beyond what the "free press" has done
over the decades. They sound more similar to the old nazist and communist
propaganda machines (that scientifically distorted all facts) than to the
"free press" that can side with this or that ideology.
Also, their goal is clearly to create hostility. Their goal is not to
distribute information, find out the truth or educate the audience. Their
goal is clearly to create hostility for the sake of creating hostility.
It doesn't matter that they lie most of the
time and that it is relatively easy to prove their lies: their lies
still create public opinion.
It is relatively easy to prove that the Iraq is a mess, despite Fox News'
claims that it is a paradise.
It is relatively easy to prove that the Republican Party is corrupt,
despite Fox News' claims that that claim is the result of a Democrat conspiracy.
Nonetheless, the sheer amount of lies that Fox News pours on its viewers
create the impression that, indeed, Iraq is not as bad as the entire world
claim and the Republican Party is not as corrupt as the entire world claims.
It is the entire world that is to blame, not Bush or the Republican Party.
The campaign of lies by
Fox News creates millions of votes for the Republican Party,
no matter how blatantly ridiculous those lies are.
Likewise for Al Jazeera.
You can easily prove that the USA
did enter Baghdad, that Saddam's sons did die, that the first Osama
video was real, and so on and so on. But all Al Jazeera's lies combined
(that the Osama video was made in Hollywood, that the USA mever
entered Baghdad, that Saddam's sons were not dead, etc)
still created a public opinion at the time when they were told on tv.
Each lie has long been proven a lie, but the public opinion has remained.
Fox News is "the" enemy within the USA. It is co-responsible with the
politicians of everything that is wrong in the USA, particularly of the
state of denial of what is wrong in the USA.
Al Jazeera, in turn, is "the" enemy in the Middle East.
When i traveled through Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and so on
it was impressive how
Al Jazeera had created a version of the world that was completely
at the service of Al Qaeda.
The campaign of lies by Al Jazeera in the Middle East creates the kind of
public opinion that raises terrorists, insurgents,
sunni and shiite militias, an unlimited supply of suicide bombers,
and rioting Muslims for every silly thing that happens in the world.
There is no leader in the Middle East who could muster so much
anti-USA animosity as Al Jazeera does. Maybe there never was since the
middle ages.
Put it this way: Al Qaeda would not exist or would not matter if Al Jazeera
did not provide the ideological foundations that help recruit its members.
TM, ®, Copyright © 2005 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved. Back to the world news | Top of this page
- (September 2006)
Five years later.
- Osama bin Laden is still alive and free, despite the promise made by George W Bush in 2001 to capture him. Osama has in fact become a legend for millions of young Muslims who see him as winning the war against the USA.
- Almost everything they told us about Osama was false. There were no high-tech bunkers, there were no modern weapons. Osama's followers brought down the World Trade Center with knives.
- The Taliban still control areas of Afghanistan, and seem to control some areas of Pakistan, where Al Qaeda can train and plot in relative freedom. The leader of the Taliban (Mullah Omar) had never been captured.
- We now know that Osama Bin Laden was not the mastermind of the attacks Khalid has. (See Khalid, not Osama, did it). Khalid has been arrested by the USA, but the news media have been forbidden to interview him. What we know of him (a decadent lifestyle) does not sound very Islamic.
- We do not know what the prisoners held in Guantanamo are telling ( What's the secret all about?)
- We still do not know who speculated on airline stocks in the days preceding the September 11 attacks.
- We still do not know who carried out the anthrax attacks in the weeks following September 11. That person is still at large, just like Osama, and, presumably, still has the anthrax.
- The USA still relies on airplanes for mass transportation, i.e. it the USA
economy is as vulnerable as it was in 2001. There hasn't been even the slightest
effort to develop a significant network of fast land connections (such as
the bullet trains that are common in Japan, France and Germany).
- The Islamic world still does not believe anything of what the USA is telling them.
- Saudi Arabia and the other sponsors of the Taliban and Al Qaeda have paid virtually no price for the September 11 attacks. Only Saddam Hussein (Iraq) has paid a (very high) price, but no terrorist was from Iraq.
- Most of the jihadists have moved to Iraq, where they inflict heavy casualties on Iraqi civilians, who are, ironically, Muslims.
- Terrorist attacks have taken places in countries that, before 2001, were immune from Islamic terrorism, from Spain to Britain to Morocco. Overall terrorists have been more, not less, successful than before 2001.
- The good news is that no terrorist attack has been carried out since 2001 in the USA.
- Millions of illegal immigrants enter the USA every year just by walking across the Mexican border. The dumbest Islamic terrorist can, obviously, do the same.
- The real winners of the 2001 terrorist attacks have been the friends of the Bush administrations who have received billions of dollars under the pretense of Homeland Security. Around Washington it is shamelessly called the "Al Qaeda economy". It has created 185,000 new jobs in the Washington area alone.
TM, ®, Copyright © 2005 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved. Back to the world news | Top of this page
- (March 2006)
Al Qaeda's next target.
Terrorist attacks that fail tend to go unnoticed.
Guards in Saudi Arabia stopped two terrorists just before they could detonate
their car-bombs against the Abqaiq oil complex. The explosions would have
caused a chain reaction certain to kill thousands of workers. This could have
been the biggest terrorist attack of all time.
Through subtle interviews and round tables,
Al Jazeera, the Arab satellite channel, has been preaching for four years that
killing USA citizens is nothing compared with causing a spike in oil prices.
Al Qaeda, which is de facto in cahoots with Al Jazeera, has listened.
The idea here was to kill a lot of people but also to decapitate Saudi Arabia's
oil exports, which right now are the only safety net preventing oil prices
from skyrocketing (given the trouble in Iraq, Venezuela, Iran and Nigeria).
This might be the new Al Qaeda strategy: hit the West's oil-based economy it
TM, ®, Copyright © 2005 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved. Back to the world news | Top of this page
- Articles before 2006