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The Best Rock Albums of the 2000's

Appendix to my book "A History of Rock Music"
Selected by piero scaruffi
and revised in 2009 by Teun Romme
Best albums of all time | Musicians | Back to music
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Best of the 1960's of the 1970's of the 1980's of the 1990's of the 2000's of the 2010's Best of the 2020's
TM, ®, Copyright © 2000 Piero Scaruffi


Nick Vieira's graphical summary:

The greatest bands of the 2000s

see this page for a better list but tentatively:
  1. Acid Mothers Temple
  2. Xiu Xiu
  3. Animal Collective
  4. Vladislav Delay
  5. Supersilent
  6. Shit and Shine
  7. Mars Volta
  8. Black Dice
  9. Fiery Furnaces
  10. Books
  11. Arcade Fire
  12. Khanate
  13. TV On The Radio

Best albums of all time | History of Rock Music | Musicians | Back to music