Questions about Time
for the Interdisciplinary Tour of the Human Condition
- What is Time? [We'll start with this question for each panelist]
- If it is confirmed that some particles can travel faster than the speed of light, what are the implications for Time?
- Is music the sense that allows us to perceive the nature and meaning of Time?
- How do different cultures experience Time? How has the perception of Time changed over the centuries?
- Do you perceive Time as a friend or an enemy?
- Is there Time inside the quantum vacuum?
- Was visual art about Time before the invention of cinema? If not, what has been the impact of video's Time-based nature on art?
- Is Time a cultural construction, a subjective creation, or a universal absolute?
- What is the difference between the future and the past?
- If we as humans come to an understanding of the truth of time, how will it matter to us? Will it change the way we live? Change the way we evolve?
- Can life be experienced without Time, or is experience meaningless without Time?
- Why do we have three dimensions of space but there is only one dimension of Time?
- How much of art and music is a rebellion against the tyranny of Time?
- What do you think of Stewart Brand's effort to build a 10,000 year clock and a 10,000 year library, intended to shift humanity's concept of "now" to a much longer timeframe?
- What is the psychological impact of the transition from wristwatches and wall clocks to the digital time on smartphones?
- Do the laws of Physics entail that a static universe is impossible? Could there exist a universe in which nothing ever changes, nothing ever happens?
- If we run out of space, we just move to another place. If we run out of time (as we all do these days), what can we do?
- Slower time in music is usually associated with relaxation and contemplation, faster time with anger and violence. Is this association in our brain?
- Is Time in the DNA of the universe or is part of the phenotype of the universe?
- Did the concept of Time in music change between classical music and modern music, folk music and rock/jazz music, etc?
- If time is the most precious resource we have, how can we invest it best?
- Are we slowly abolishing the perception of Time? Lighting and climate control liberated us from the day/night variation and season variations, and now life on the Web is indifferent to what is happening outdoors.