Roy Acuff
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

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Tennesse native Roy Acuff became the first star of Nashville thanks to two tunes already recorded by the Carter Family: The Great Speckled Bird (1936), based on the melody of I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes, and Wabash Cannonball (1936), one of the most celebrated "railroad songs". Precious Jewel (1940), Wreck On The Highway (1942), one of the earliest car songs, Fireball Mail (1942), Night Train to Memphis (1943), Pins And Needles (1943), Low And Lonely (1943), Frank "Pee Wee" King's Tennessee Waltz (1947), were sung in an old-fashioned, mournful mountain style, and accompanied mainly with the dobro (James Clell Summey until 1938 and Beecher "Pete" Kirby after 1938).

He was instrumental in turning country music into a business, and a huge nationwide business. The music publishing company he founded in 1942 with songwriter Fred Rose became a gold mine.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da guidigd)

Originario del TennesseRoyAcuff divenne la prima star di Nashiville grazie a due brani già incisi dalla Carter Family: The Great Speckled Bird (1936), basata sulla melodia di I’m Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes, e Wabash Cannonball (1936), una delle “canzoni da ferrovia” più celebrate.

Precious Jewel (1940), Wreck On The Highway (1940), una delle prime canzoni da automobile, Fireball Mail (1942), Night Train To Memphis (1943), Pins And Needles (1943), Low And Lonely (1943) Frank “PeeWee” King’s Tennessee Waltz (1947) furono cantate in uno stile montanaro triste e alla vecchia maniera, e accompagnate principalmente con il dobro (ndt: un tipo di chitarra acustica con dischi risonanti sotto il ponticello)

(James CleelSummey fino al 1938 e Beecher “Pete” Kirby dopo il 1938.

E’ stato determinante per la trasformazione della musica country in un business, e un business enorme in tutta la nazione. La casa discografica che fondò nel 1942 con il compositore Fred Rose divenne una miniera d’oro.

(Copyright © 2003 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
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