Robert Cray
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

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Georgia-born guitarist Robert Cray, influenced by Albert Collins, introduced a sensual soul-tinged vocal phrasing and a virtuoso jazzy style at the instrument. His progression from Who's Been Talkin' (Tomato, 1980) to Bad Influence (Hightone, 1983), containing mostly original material, to False Accusations (Hightone, 1985), made him more and more popular, thanks to Porch Light, Phone Booth and Bad Influence. After Showtime (1985), Cray became a star with Strong Persuader (1986), that includes Smoking Gun and Fantasizer, and Don't Be Afraid Of the Dark (1988), that includes Smoking Gun. (Translation by/ Tradotto da xxx)

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