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(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

Pankow were an Italian-based combo (led by multi-instrumentalist Maurizio Fasolo and fronted by vocalist Alessandro "Spalck" Micheli) that devoted themselves to a dark, expressionist, apocalyptic brand of electronic body music. They debuted with a cassette and the EP God's Deneuve (KinderGarten, 1984) and established their unique style with the album Freiheit Fuer Die Sklaven (Contempo, 1987) and several extended singles (Sickness Taking Over, Kunst und Wahnsinn, Touch). Unfortunately, Gisela (Cashbeat, 1989) lost most of the pathos, and the singles that followed, such as Kunst Und Wahnsinn, Me and My Ding Dong (an industrial version of Chuck Berry's My Ding-a-Ling), Wet, Remember Me, were more accessible and less aggressive. The live album Omne Anima Triste Post Coitum (Contempo, 1990) summarized their career.

Treue Hunde (Contempo, 1992) was less "industrial" and more romantic. After the mediocre Pankow (1996) the band seemed to dissolve, but instead they resurfaced with the mini-album Life Is Offensive and Refuses to Apologize (Minus Habens, 2002), a hodgepodge of outdated styles.

Pankow's collaborator Paolo Favati formed Templebeat.

Life Is Offensive and Refuses to Apologise (Minus Habens, 2002) was still worthy of their past, whereas the mini-album Fuckart (Minus Habens, 2004) was largely self-indulgent. Topping both was Great Minds Against Themselves Conspire (Wheesht, 2006), that marked a reunion of the original line-up and unleashed the closest thing to their original cyber-furor.

(Copyright © 2003 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
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