
(Copyright © 1999-2024 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )
Soulside Journey (1990), 5/10
A Blaze In The Northern Sky (1991), 6.5/10
Under a Funeral Moon (1993), 6.5/10
Transilvanian Hunger (1994), 6/10
Panzerfaust (1994), 6.5/10
Total Death (1995), 5/10
Goatlord (1996), 5.5/10
Ravishing Grimness (1999), 5/10
Plaguewielder (2001), 5/10
Sardonic Wrath (2004), 5/10
The Cult Is Alive (2006), 4/10
F.O.A.D. (2007), 4/10
Circle The Wagons (2010), 4/10

Darkthrone belong to Norway's wave of black metal. Since their debut album Soulside Journey (Peaceville, 1990), the band has relied on the axis of guitarist-vocalist Nocturno Culto (Ted Skjellum) and guitarist Zephyrous (Ivar Enger) for maximum effect with minimum means. The debut album was still in a conventional death-metal style.
Tracks: Cromlech, Sunrise Over Locus Mortis, Soulside Journey, Accumulation Of Generalization, Neptune Towers, Sempiternal Sepulchrality, Grave With A View, Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocin, For The Silent Whispers, The Watchtower, You.

A Blaze In The Northern Sky (Peaceville, 1991) coined a more personal sound, one that was raw and rabid, buzz-intense, almost the black-metal version of garage-rock. It became the manifesto of Scandinavian black metal.
Tracks: Kathaarian Life Code, In The Shadow Of The Horns (one of their masterpieces), Paragon Belial, Where Cold Winds Blow, A Blaze In The Northern Sky, The Pagan Winter.

The bassist left before Under a Funeral Moon (Peaceville, 1993), that therefore sounded even more brutal and visceral.
Tracks: Natassja In Eternal Sleep, Summer Of The Diabolical Holocaust, The Dance Of Eternal Shadows, Unholy Black Metal, To Walk The Infernal Fields, Under A Funeral Moon, Inn I De Dype Skogers Favn, Crossing The Triangle Of Flames.

Transilvanian Hunger (Peaceville, 1994), the first album to feature the classic duo of Fenriz and Nocturno Culto,
Tracks: Transilvanian Hunger, Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner, Skald Av Satans Sol, Slottet I Det Fjerne, Graven Takeheimens Saler, I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjod, As Flittermice As Satans Spys, En As I Dype Skogen.

Panzerfaust (Peaceville, 1994)
Tracks: En Vind Av Sorg, Triumphant Gleam, The Hordes Of Nebulah, Hans Siste Vinter, Beholding The Throne Of Might, Quintessence, Sno Og Granskog (Utferd).

Fenriz's solo project synth Neptune Towers released Caravans To Empire Algol (Moonfog, 1994 - Peaceville, 2012) and Transmissions From Empire Algol (Moonfog, 1995 - Peaceville, 2012), two albums of lengthy sci-fi visions a` la Klaus Schulze. The third part of the trilogy, Space Lab (1994), was never released.

Total Death (Peaceville, 1995)
Tracks: Earth's Last Picture, Blackwinged, Gather For Attack On The Pearly Gates, Black Victory Of Death, Majestic Desolate Eye, Blasphemer, Ravnajuv, The Serpents Harvest.

Goatlord (Peaceville, 1996)
Tracks: Rex, Pure Demoniac Blessing, (The) Grimness Of Which Shepherds Mourn, Sadomasochistic Rites, As Desertshadows, In His Lovely Kingdom, Black Daimon, Toward (s) The Thornfields, (Birth Of Evil) Virgin Sin, Green Cave Float,

Ravishing Grimness (1999)

Plaguewielder (Moonfog, 2001) contains six tracks and seems to mark a return to the baroque style of A Blaze In The Northern Sky.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Marco Spagnuolo)

I Darkthrone appartengono al ramo norvegese del black metal. Fin dal loro album di debutto Soulside Journey (Peaceville, 1990), la band ha fatto affidamento sull’estro alla chitarra di Nocturno Culto (Ted Skjellum) e sulla voce di Zephyrous (Ivan Enger),per ottenere il massimo effetto con il minimo indispensabile.Comunque l’album di debutto era ancora sulla linea tradizionale del death-metal.

Tracks: Cromlech, Sunrise Over Locus Mortis, Soulside Journey, Accumulation Of Generalization, Neptune Towers, Sempiternal Sepulchrality, Grave With A View, Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocin, For The Silent Whispers, The Watchtower, You.

A Blaze In The Northern Sky (Peaceville, 1991), per questo secondo "full lenght" viene aggregato alla band un nuovo batterista Fenriz( Gylve Nagell),il suono dell’album è molto più personale e forse rimane il loro migliore lavoro.

Tracks: Kathaarian Life Code, In The Shadow Of The Horns (uno dei loro capolavori), Paragon Belial, Where Cold Winds Blow, A Blaze In The Northern Sky, The Pagan Winter.


Under a Funeral Moon (Peaceville, 1993)
Tracks: Natassja In Eternal Sleep, Summer Of The Diabolical Holocaust, The Dance Of Eternal Shadows, Unholy Black Metal, To Walk The Infernal Fields, Under A Funeral Moon, Inn I De Dype Skogers Favn, Crossing The Triangle Of Flames.

Transilvanian Hunger (Peaceville, 1994)
Tracks: Transilvanian Hunger, Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner, Skald Av Satans Sol, Slottet I Det Fjerne, Graven Takeheimens Saler, I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjod, As Flittermice As Satans Spys, En As I Dype Skogen.

Panzerfaust (Peaceville, 1994)
Tracks: En Vind Av Sorg, Triumphant Gleam, The Hordes Of Nebulah, Hans Siste Vinter, Beholding The Throne Of Might, Quintessence, Sno Og Granskog (Utferd).

Total Death (Peaceville, 1995)
Tracks: Earth's Last Picture, Blackwinged, Gather For Attack On The Pearly Gates, Black Victory Of Death, Majestic Desolate Eye, Blasphemer, Ravnajuv, The Serpents Harvest.

Goatlord (Peaceville, 1996)
Tracks: Rex, Pure Demoniac Blessing, (The) Grimness Of Which Shepherds Mourn, Sadomasochistic Rites, As Desertshadows, In His Lovely Kingdom, Black Daimon, Toward (s) The Thornfields, (Birth Of Evil) Virgin Sin, Green Cave Float,

Ravishing Grimness (1999)

Plaguewielder (Moonfog, 2001) contiene sei brani e sembra segnare un ritorno allo stile barocco di A Blaze In The Northern Sky.

Sopravvivendo al lento declino del black-metal, i Darkthrone continuano la loro missione pubblicando mini-album come Hate Them (Moonfog, 2003) and Sardonic Wrath (Moonfog, 2004).

Surviving the slow death of black metal, Darkthrone continued their mission with the mini-album Hate Them (Moonfog, 2003) and Sardonic Wrath (Moonfog, 2004).

However, The Cult Is Alive (Peaceville, 2006) sounded more like punk-rock than black metal.

F.O.A.D. (Peaceville, 2007), Dark Thrones & Black Flags (Peaceville, 2008) and Circle The Wagons (Peaceville, 2010) were even more confused.

The triple-disc Frostland Tapes (Peaceville, 2010) collects rarities.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Gabriele Cantoni)

Sopravvissuti al lento declino del black metal, i Darkthrone hanno continuato la loro missione con i loro mini-album Hate Them (Moonfog, 2003) e Sardonic Wrath (Moonfog, 2004).

Nonostante ciò The Cult is Alive (Peaceville, 2006) suona più punk-rock che black metal.

F.O.A.D. (Peaceville, 2007), Dark Thrones & Black Flags (Peaceville, 2008) e Circle the Wagons (Peaceville, 2010) sono caratterizzati da sonorità ancora più confuse.

Il triplo disco Frostland Tapes (Peaceville, 2010) raccoglie delle rarità.


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