Band Of Horses

(Copyright © 2006 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )

Everything All The Time (2006) , 6.5/10
Cease To Begin (2007) , 5.5/10

Band Of Horses, a roots-rock band from Seattle fronted by Benjamin Bridwell (whose reverb-soaked vocals are reminiscent of My Morning Jacket's Jim James), after Carissa's Wierd disbanded. Carissa's Wierd (with "weird" mispelled as "wierd") had released Ugly But Honest - 1996-1999 (Brown, 2000), You Should Be At Home Here (Brown, 2001), Songs About Leaving (Sad Robot, 2002), and I Before E (Sad Robot, 2004).

The melancholy dreamy melodic mid-tempo country-rock of Everything All The Time (Subpop, 2006) stood out not only for the carefully constructed compositions but also for the tinges and nuances that turned each song into a unique stylistic statement, despite the obvious references to the masters, notably the catchy Wicked Gil, with decadent boogie rhythm a` la Velvet Underground, the anthemic jangling folk-rock of Weed Party, the ethereal The First Song, an ode in the way of latter-day Pink Floyd, the Bruce Springsteen-ian meditation Great Salt Lake, the soulful elegy Monsters, and especially the stately ballad The Funeral, a roots-rock equivalent of Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven.

The short Cease To Begin (Subpop, 2007), recorded after the departure of guitarist Mat Brooke, displayed the same class of the debut but sounded both inconsistent and uninspired compared with that album. If Is There a Ghost and Ode to LRC almost matched the debut's epos, several songs were pure filler or stabs at mainstream pop (the serenade No One's Gonna Love You). The best ideas (The General Specific, a hybrid of Tamla Motown soul and country-rock, and the whirlwind square-dance Islands on the Coast) are not enough to lift the album from the sense of mediocrity. This was probably a hurried album to capitalize on the debut's success. It should have been an EP.

(Translation by/ Tradotto da Antonella Miggiano)

Band Of Horses, e` una roots-rock band proveniente da Seattle capitanata da Benjamin Bridwell (le cui sonorit… vocali impregnate di riverberi ricordano Jim James dei My Morning Jacket).

La melodica melanconia onirica mid-tempo country-rock di Everything All The Time (Subpop, 2006) emerge non solo dall'accurata costruzione compositiva ma anche per le sfumature e le tonalit… che portano ogni pezzo verso un particolare impianto stilistico, malgrado i chiari riferimento ai maestri, da notare l'effetto orecchiabile alla Wicked Gil, con un ritmo boogie decadente alla Velvet Underground, lo stridore 'antemico' folk-rock di Weed Party, l'eterea The First Song, un'ode alla maniera degli ultimi Pink Floyd, la 'Springsteniana' meditazione di Great Salt Lake, l'elegia sentimentale di Monster, e in particolare la maestosa ballata The Funeral, un'equivalente versione roots-rock di Stairway to Heaven dei Led Zeppelin.

Il breve Cease To Begin (Subpop, 2007), registrato dopo l'allontanamento del chitarrista Mat Brooke, mostra la stessa classe del disco d'esordio ma Š eseguito in modo disorganico e con poca ispirazione rispetto al primo album. Se Is There a Ghost e Ode to LRC ritrovano quasi il carattere epico del debutto, pi— di una canzone rimane un puro riempitivo o un tentativo di seguire un certo mainstream pop (la serenata No One's Gonna Love You). Le idee migliori (The General Specific, un ibrido di Tamla Motown soul e country-rock inseme, e la vorticosa 'quadriglia' di Islands on the Coast) non sono ancora sufficienti per sollevare l'album da un certo senso di mediocrit…. Un album probabilmente fatto in fretta per sfruttare il successo del debutto.

Infinite Arms (Columbia, 2010) was a much more lightweight effort, that moved away from their roots towards the format of the mellow ballad. (Translation by/ Tradotto da xxx)

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