After launching the Jade Vincent Experiment, that released Moy (1998),
female vocalist Vincent formed Vincent & Mr Green (Ipecac, 2004)
with keyboardist Keefus Ciancia.
Vincent is set to continue the deconstructionist project of
Lydia Lunch's Queen of Siam
with a similarly skewed tribute to the pop ballad.
The arrangements turn the ballad format into a malleable medium to be
stretched, warped, detonated, dismembered.
A sense of decadence and dejection envelops the rarified hip-hop beats of
Like You, the futuristic musichall of Burn,
the propulsive industrial funk of Dance,
the ghostly tap dance of The Green Room,
the dissonant apotheosis of Daddy,
the tropical ball of Will,
the quasi-orchestral confession of Man,
the ethereal music-box of Once.
The variations are virtually infinite.
Identity is an elusive property
Red Light is noir rhythm'n'blues, lively country music,
classical nightmare, etc.
As Vincent's whisper fades into darkness and remote ages, Ciancia
enhances the feeling of estrangement with barely sketched soundtracks.
Vincent croons like an exhausted vampyre and her torch songs ignite icy fires.
Ciancia's arrangements rock like Jim Steinman on valium. Spastic rhythms
casually intersect sparse piano notes or hissing walls of noise, while
the moaning nun wanders around the studio, incapable of giving form or
emotion to her psychodrama. It's a deadly combination.
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