Lil Yachty

(Copyright © 2019 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of Use )
Lil Boat (2016), 5.5/10
Summer Songs 2 (2016), 4/10
Teenage Emotions (2017), 4/10
Nuthin' 2 Prove (2018), 4/10
Lil Boat 2 (2018), 4/10
Let’s Start Here (2023), 6/10

Atlanta's rapper and singer Lil Yachty (born Miles McCollum) became a star with the lo-fi mumbled nursery-rhyme litanies One Night and Minnesota (with a childish piano accompaniment), off the EP Summer Songs (2015). After the mixtapes Lil Boat (2016) and Summer Songs 2 (2016), he tried in vain to become a real rapper on the albums Teenage Emotions (2017) and Nuthin' 2 Prove (2018), followed by the mixtape Lil Boat 2 (2018).

Lil Yachty ventured into prog-rock and psychedelic rock on Let’s Start Here (2023), originally leaked as Sonic Ranch, arranged by an army of producers (Patrick Wimberly, Justin Raisen, Jeremiah Raisen, Jake Portrait, etc). The album opens with the psychedelic funk-rock The Black Seminole which plagiarizes Pink Floyd's Time. The clumsy soul ballad The Ride is balanced by the somnolent and jazzy litany Running Out of Time. After several throwaways, the smooth orchestral pop of Drive me Crazy shows his true passion. The best song is Ive Officially Lost Vision, the one that honestly attempts the psychedelic feat, with a martial pace and heavenly vocals. A close second is Should i B, or at least the catchiest one swimming in a bed of synths. The album closes with another rip-off, Reach the Sunshine (reminiscent of Radiohead’s Pyramid Song). It's a mixed bag, ten songs too long.

(Copyright © 2019 Piero Scaruffi | Terms of use )