Ion-Luca Caragiale

, /10

Ion-Luca Caragiale (1852)

O Noapte Furtunoasa/ A Stormy Night (1878) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Conul Leonida (1879) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

O Scrisoare Pierduta/ A Lost Letter (1884) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Napasta/ The False Accusation (1890) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

D-ale Carnavalului/ Of The Carnival (1885) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

O Faclie de Paste/ An Easter Torch (1889)

synopsis forthcoming

Pacat/ Sin (1892)

synopsis forthcoming

Kir Ianulea (1909) +

synopsis forthcoming

Canuta (1898)

synopsis forthcoming

La Hanul lui Manjoala (1899)

synopsis forthcoming

Doua Loturi (1899)

synopsis forthcoming

Inspectiune (1900)

synopsis forthcoming

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