Max Frisch

, /10

Max Frisch (German, 1911)

Nun Singen Sie Wieder/ Now they Sing Again (1946) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Die Chinesische Mauer/ The Chinese Wall (1947) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Graf Oederland/ Count Oderland (1951) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Don Juan (1953) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Herr Biedermann und die Brandstifter/ The Fire Raisers (1958) [t] ++

synopsis forthcoming

Andorra (1961) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Biografie (1967) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Triptychon (1978) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Der Mensch Erscheint im Holozaen/ Man in the Holocene (1979) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Blaubart/ Bluebird (1982) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Stiller/ I am not Stiller (1954) +

synopsis forthcoming

Homo Faber (1957) +

synopsis forthcoming

Mein Name sei Gantenbein (1964) +

synopsis forthcoming

Montauk (1975)

synopsis forthcoming

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