Leivick Halpern

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Leivick Halpern (Hebrew, 1888)

Der Goylem/ The Golem (1921) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Di Keytn fun Meshiekh/ Chains of the Messiah (1939) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Abelar un heloiz/ Abelard and Heloise (1935) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Di Khasene in Fernvald/ The Wedding in Foehrenwald (1949) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Pogrom poems Er/ He, Dos Kranke Tsimer/ The Sick Room, Der Volf/ The wolf, Di Shtal/ The stable (1920) [p]

synopsis forthcoming

Nyu-yorkishes/ New Yorkish (1924) [p]

synopsis forthcoming

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