Peter Handke

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Peter Handke (German, 1942)

Die Hornissen/ The Hornets (1966)

synopsis forthcoming

Publikumsbeschimpfung/ Offending the Audience) (1966) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Der Hausierer/ The Peddler (1967)

synopsis forthcoming

Kaspar (1968) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter/ The Goalie's Fear of the Penalty Kick (1970) +

synopsis forthcoming

Der Ritt Ueber den Bodensee/ The Ride across Lake Constance (1971) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Wunschloses Unglueck/ A Sorrow Beyond Dreams (1972)

synopsis forthcoming

Die Stunde der wahren Empfindung/ A Moment of True Feeling (1975) +

synopsis forthcoming

Langsame Heimkehr/ Slow Homecoming (1979)

synopsis forthcoming

Die Abwesenheit/ The Absence (1987)

synopsis forthcoming

Die Wiederholung/ Repetition (1988) +

synopsis forthcoming

Der Bildverlust oder Durch die Sierra de Gredos/ Crossing the Sierra de Gredos (2002)

synopsis forthcoming

Die Morawische Nacht/ The Moravian Night (2008)

synopsis forthcoming

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